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Alcohol abuse

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 4:04 AM | 0 comments »

To improve the effectiveness of the system maintenance people addicted to alcohol and drugs, there are 4 conditions that must be met:  Knowing the danger that caused the need for treatment.  The existence of an effective care system as a response from these dangers.  The care provider must know what treatment is most effective  Provide counseling and knowledge about ways to minimize risk and effective treatment is available.
Efforts to combat dangerous drugs and alcohol:  Increase the understanding and knowledge about the nature and dangers associated with drugs and alcohol, and treatment for substance-habitue substances is  Improving care system and method prevention is effective in reducing the danger of the forms of drug and alcohol  Increase knowledge about care for the treatment of which the most effective for patient treatment in the addicted alcohol and drugs.  Increase knowledge in society about the appropriate treatment program and for effective drugs and alcohol.

We all already know dangers of drink and drugs prohibited. This section is provided for people who want to obtain more information and depth of alcohol and drugs prohibited.

Drugs are substances on the bottom-chemical substances that affect how the body and mind work when it is used. Drugs can be dangerous if misused. All this depends on: Type   drugs used drug dose used  How to use the drug (how often or how long)  Condition individuals (age, gender, health, weight loss, pengalam with the previous drug treatment, and mood)  situation where drugs are used (or the presence of others)

Many hazards associated with chemical substances-substances that are caused by the type of drugs that are a way of life and mendampinginya. Most of the problems that arise from the use of drugs is caused by chemical substances-substances that are available legally. Directly, alcohol and drugs do not have any effect for people around the user, but have many motor vehicle accidents, accidents at work and other actions that are caused by people who are under the influence of alcohol and drug - prohibited drugs.
Liquor (Alcohol)

Alcohol can be obtained legally in Australia, alcohol easily obtained and used by most people in Australia. Because the reasons have alcohol has become one of the substances in salahgunakan the largest in Australia. Function is to reduce workplace alcohol kesiagaan someone with the central nerve system slow and also other effects that work in the other body.

Here is information about the degree of pure alcohol per drink: Beer  light: 1 schooner 425mls Â- 2.7% alcohol Beer mddie 285mls normal 1-  4.9% alcohol 1 glass Wine 100mls Â- 12% alcohol Spirits 1 NIP 30mls Â- 40% alcohol Port / Sherry 1 galss 60mls Â-20% alcohol

Indeed can be proved that the drink can make you become rileks. This happens because the alcohol serves to slow the functions of the body. Problems can arise if someone starts to depend on alcohol berelaksasi, usually when someone suffering from stress or nervous because sesuatu.Bagaimanapun, alcohol can not be easy to make your bed, it is vice versa, alcohol often causes sleep disturbances-disturbances. Alcohol can also make someone become shy, nervous or lacking confidence. Marijuana.

Marijuana, hashish, and hashish oil produced from the plant called cannabis sativa. Marijuana is made from cannabis leaves and flowers that have been dried. There are a few of the people who are depending on the marijuana. Marijuana does not make the user have any feelings of dependency when compared with heroin and morphin.

In addition to causing someone has a shorter memory, marijuana also causes shrinkage of the logical way of thinking, reduced ability to coordinate and perform tasks that complicated. Way of thinking, consideration, and the balance of the reaction is also affected by marijuana to 10 hours after use. In the 10 hours is very dangerous for the person to mengendara motor vehicle, operating machinery, swimming, or surfing. Large doses of marijuana can cause the user's panic, confusion, and see halusinasi. Use of marijuana is the most common way to suck a cigarette. This can also cause the user to obtain disease bronchitis, lung cancer and respiratory diseases other.

In Australia, each state has a penalty value is different for marijuana users, such as in the state of New South Wales punishment for marijuana users or pengedar is $ 2000 to $ 500,000 and / or imprisonment for a period of 2 to 20 years depending on the amount of drugs sold . Use of marijuana can cause a person, especially users who are still young people to become energy loss. Achievement in the school will usually be reduced. This is caused by a combination of various factors. But all this can usually disappear if marijuana use is stopped.

Diet Based on the Blood Type

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 4:01 AM | 0 comments »

Blood Type O

Blood group O blood type is the most ancient in human history. Genes for blood type O on developing a point when the switch from human life hunting and moved to the agricultural community that settled in a place.

Megrim Practice: Berenergi & not easy to despair

Problems: diabetes, digestive and bowel problems, poor blood circulation better, lumbago danbelakang, obesity, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, high-fiber dry acid, cancer disease, gout, heart disease, arterial stoppage.

Diet: Food & reduce high-protein carbohydrate

Very beneficial (food that act as drugs)
Broccoli, parsnip, waluh, lettuce, seaweed, radish china, bluberi, cherries, guava, curry spices, pea, red beans, all kinds of onion, seaweed, ginger, kailan, turmeric, meat (cattle, buffalo, deer , sheep, calf)

Neutral (foods that act as food)
Gold fish, eel, lobster, tuna fish, Sardine fish, shrimp, eggs (chicken, duck), butter, beans (black, red, bean, soybean), tempe, tahu, soybean milk, cereal, rice, rice cakes, bread, rice, wheat flour, eggplant, tomatoes, squash, meat (chicken, duck, goat, goose, turkey, rabbit)

Avoid (foods that act as poisons)
Pork, squid, cuttlefish, oysters, frog, octopus, eggs (goose, puyuh), ice cream, cheese, cow milk, yoghurt (all types), coconut oil, turtle, corn oil, corn, broccoli flowers, nuts land, peanut mede, kuaci, laichi, potatoes, mentimun, flower cabbage, mushroom, blewah, mandarin orange, plantain, pare, white wine, soy sauce, coffee, drink

Blood Type A

Blood group A is the first man to run the agricultural activities, because the ancestors have lived and no longer live like the war.

Megrim Practice: Responsible & romantic

Problems faced: Lost patience or self-quick-tempered, seep excessive sebum, heart disease and problems of the blood channel, and cancer ulser, gaster, kegemukkan.

Diet: Food & berkarbohidrat high reduce fat

Very beneficial (food that act as drugs)
Spinach, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms gold fish, peanuts, green beans, peanut / soybean susu, know, tempe, the rice flour, bluberi, olive oil, gold fish, fish, Sardine, (snail, pineapple juice, mango, banana, orange lime & citric).

Neutral (foods that act as food)
Tuna, chicken & eggs, duck, eggs, puyuh, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, peanut pea / pea, maize, tapioca, corn bread, squash, red onion, mentimun, taro, wine (all types), melon, blewah, pear , pomegranate, kiwi, dates, strowberi, kesemek, guava, meat (chicken, ostrich, turkey grouse, dove)

Avoid (foods that act as poisons)
Meat (beef, buffalo, sheep, duck, goose, rabbit, partridge), lobster, octopus, crabs, eel, frog, shrimp, squid, butter, milk, beef, cheese, ice cream, milk, pure, pickle, eggplant, tomatoes, cassava, potato, orange, coconut/coconut milk, honey melon, banana (king), papaya, pare, soda water.

Blood Type B

Key blood group B is the balance. People diversified B blood to grow and develop through what has been provided by the world's animals and plants. This means that blood group B showed a sophisticated ability to travel in evolution.

Megrim Practice: Adaptation & analitika

Problems faced: The nerve system, difficulty to sleep quality, and migraine headaches, liver disease and bile channels, menstrual problems, spinal pain, kegemukkan, heart disease.

Diet: milk & milk products

Very beneficial (food that act as drugs)
Fish, milk, beef, cheese, buburgandum, essene bread, rice cakes, broccoli, parsnip, carrot, cabbage flowers, eggplant, green tea, meat (goat, sheep, rabbit, deer)

Neutral (foods that act as food)
Squid, gold fish, tuna, butter, cheese, eggs, chicken, red beans, green beans, rice flour, bread, rice, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, mentimun, squash, potatoes, mustard greens, mango, melon, orange, pear , date palm, guava, meat (cattle, buffalo, turkey, calf liver)

Avoid (foods that act as poisons)
Meat (duck, chicken, goose, grouse, pig, horse, snail, crab, snail, eel, frog, octopus, lobster, ice cream, eggs (duck, goose, puyuh), peanuts, wheat bread, tomatoes, waluh, corn, avokad, pare, pomegranate, coconut / coconut milk, kesemek, star fruit, pear, water, soda, alcoholic beverages.

Blood Type AB

Blood type AB blood type is the most modern and aged less than 1000 years, rarely (5% of the population), is complex and the biological. Because you bring anti-gen A and B.

Practice oddity: jockey & penyabar

Problems faced: flatulency heart disease and problems of the blood channel, cancer, kegemukkan, difficulty sleeping quality, bone and joint pain.

Diet: It can adapt to the different types of food

Very beneficial (food that act as drugs)
Sardine, tuna, goat milk, egg white (chicken), cheese, ricotta, sour cream (low calorie), the green, red wine, meat (lamb, rabbit, turkey),

Neutral (foods that act as food)
Squid, gold fish, tuna, butter, cheese, eggs, chicken, red beans, green beans, rice flour, bread, rice, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, mentimun, squash, potatoes, mustard greens, mango, melon, orange, pear , date palm, guava, ostrich meat,

Avoid (foods that act as poisons)
Meat (beef, buffalo, chicken, duck, goose, pig, horse deer), lobster, crabs, frogs, butter, ice cream, having a speech impediment duck, black beans, pickle, corn, star fruit, pomegranate, pare, banana, coconut, kesemek , guava, mango, tomato sauce, coffee, soda, alcoholic beverages

Causes of Diabetes Melitus (diabetes)

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:58 AM | 0 comments »

Melitus diabetes (diabetes)
Can the disease should be Serious Attention

Along with the pattern of life that people tend to be increasing significantly, the various kinds of disease, known also by the community. One of them is what is called Diabetes Mellitus is abbreviated with the DM and the community is known by the name "diabetes".

DM sebenranya this disease that is spread wide in the middle of the community in Indonesia, especially dikota big-city, but to be pitied really need at this time we still akui become less attention to both the government and penyengahannya to help masyarakatuntuk immediately know whether seseorangotu already be in DM.

Unlike penyakitlainnya a very visible government response akan disease, we take the example of what is called the Bird Flu or Fever bleeding. This may be because this is the new year pemerintahCQ menterikesehatan menempat a right to what the Director General referred to the infectious disease that is not, in which the Director General of which is membawahipenykit DM. What is Diabetes Melitus

Melitus diabetes (DM) which is called by which diabetes is a matter that affects a person because of lack of "hormone Insulin." Insulin hormone is made by kelencer pankereas, and the hormone insulin can reduce blood sugar by: Increasing the amount of sugar stored in the liver. Sugar is to be entered into the heart cells, fat cells, muscle cells and for the hormone insulin that is required to be entered into the sugar in these cells. And with that as well as stimulate cells that the body absorbs sugar, and also. Mencengah heart so do not remove too much sugar. And what if the sugar into the human body through food or drink does not enter into the cells due to lack of hormone insulin, so it takes sugar and increased food and minumam that the chemical in the body dialkukan by heart and called the name Gulukosa. And if the sugar that exceed a certain number of sugar out of the start darahedan into urin ..

But also the sugar in the body that does not enter into liver cells, fat cells selotot in itself can not be burned so that membahayakn for people with membakarnya is through sport and hard work of removing the heat. But if it is not done, then the excess kadargula in the person's body will continue to be collected, so it will be a DM patient and this can be indicated with symptoms such as follows: The waste water is often small, especially in the night and this can occur up to 7 times over the night.

Because it is a lot of small waste water, then exposed to a DM also have a lot of drinking, as was ongoing in thirst. And because in the body is not there enough insulin for sugar mengobah into energy, then that person will become lean every day, because the body will use the suimpanan fat and protein for subsistence seharis-to-day. Although it includes many graves of nutritious food, but people feel hungry easily.

So that when sesorang get signs such as drinking a lot but still feel thirsty, a small waste water at excessive hours, and then eat a lot but still feel hungry and increase lean body, then he should he langsungmemeriksakan themselves to houses and Pain Management Clinic to be know the degree gulanya. When the degree gulanya when he fasted (for the blood to be taken should berpusasa) above 100mg, and then do not fast until 150Mg the above person is wrong diabetes.

Tetapijangan panic, because the sugar can be derived when you masu exercise and then eat secarateratur accordance with what a given akhli nutrition. And then berobatlah regularly do not falter. For that to sever, the blood sugar will continue to grow that high. When guladarah itubertambah high, arising dihawatirkan akan sampangannya that this disease more serious consequence of diabetes itself.

Mentioned that due to the Complications and komlikasi that adadua type of "Complications of acute bisamengakibatkan chronicle of death and complications, resulting in disability. Complications also akan mengakitkan coronary heart disease, mputasi especially on the legs because the wound would not heal, recover, and then kidney failure, stroke due to blood vessel brain, blind disebbkan damaged blood vessel in the eye and for men gone keperkasaaan (impotensi) . And when this happens it will be up to diembuhkan difficult, therefore, it should dilakukanlah pemeririksaan themselves as early as possible, especially for those who are approaching the age of 4.

Above we have polecat about the need for sports, and eating meals with the pattern that has defined a akhli nutrition, and treatment regularly. All this is one of the things that you can press so that the blood sugar was not increased. Especially for sports do; ah walking or mild calisthenics exercises-especially dipersendian-sendin, not a serious sport. And this must be done regularly at least 4 or 5 times dal; am semimggu and at least hourly satiap morning.

And then to inform the family when you have choices, because it means very large, especially when you are exposed to the attack, called Hipoglikemia. Hipoglikemia this is the sugar that people with DM dropping drastuis. This can happen because he does not eat the medicine in accordance with the dose determined by a doctor.

Signs Hipoglikemia that is, the body sangatlemas, not endured hunger, dizziness, trembling, cold sweat, and tap the heart of a very fast and if not immediately then get eprtolongan of Diabetes Melitus that can stun. What should be done by when it is ready to see things like this, then give it sipasien immediately segelar the sweet, or chewing and when to take it immediately to the unconscious apda a doctor to get treatment. Of DM increased

In completing any posts about this author DM to approach the officer with the health district in the Sunday market in South Jakarta Jln.kebangusan. Although only a health but this place dap [at a hospital for example or other health across the country.

This is due in health has been established since October 9th 2001 DM brotherhood formed by the harvest is suffering from DM. They are on the permission of the Head of Puskesmas have got a runbgan (Hall) which can be used every day on Tuesday to do with sports teachers (instructors) from the own health. Pasin DM was also obtained from the Department penyusuhan good health, Sudin Health, South Jakarta, also daripihak-pihaklainnya such as from disease in akhli, penyakitjantung, and also the other diseases related to that caused by DM.

At the first time DM fraternity, said dr.Yayuk and Chairul daribahagian Nutrition and Lindawati,

Diabetes Mellitus

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:55 AM | 0 comments »

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus adalah suatu penyakit dimana kadar glukosa (gula sederhana) di dalam darah tinggi karena tubuh tidak dapat melepaskan atau menggunakan insulin secara adekuat.

Kadar gula darah sepanjang hari bervariasi, meningkat setelah makan dan kembali normal dalam waktu 2 jam.
Kadar gula darah yang normal pada pagi hari setelah malam sebelumnya berpuasa adalah 70-110 mg/dL darah. Kadar gula darah biasanya kurang dari 120-140 mg/dL pada 2 jam setelah makan atau minum cairan yang mengandung gula maupun karbohidrat lainnya.
Kadar gula darah yang normal cenderung meningkat secara ringan tetapi progresif setelah usia 50 tahun, terutama pada orang-orang yang tidak aktif.

Insulin adalah hormon yang dilepaskan oleh pankreas, merupakan zat utama yang bertanggungjawab dalam mempertahankan kadar gula darah yang tepat. Insulin menyebabkan gula berpindah ke dalam sel sehingga bisa menghasilkan energi atau disimpan sebagai cadangan energi. Peningkatan kadar gula darah setelah makan atau minum merangsang pankreas untuk menghasilkan insulin sehingga mencegah kenaikan kadar gula darah yang
lebih lanjut dan menyebabkan kadar gula darah menurun secara perlahan. Pada saat melakukan aktivitas fisik kadar gula darah juga bisa menurun karena otot menggunakan glukosa untuk energi.

Diabetes terjadi jika tubuh tidak menghasilkan insulin yang cukup untuk mempertahankan kadar gula darah yang normal atau jika sel tidak memberikan respon yang tepat terhadap insulin. Penderita diabetes mellitus tipe I (diabetes yang tergantung kepada insulin) menghasilkan sedikit insulin atau sama sekali tidak menghasilkan
insulin. Sebagian besar diabetes mellitus tipe I terjadi sebelum usia 30 tahun.

Para ilmuwan percaya bahwa faktor lingkungan (mungkin berupa infeksi virus atau faktor gizi pada masa kanak-kanak atau dewasa awal) menyebabkan sistem kekebalan menghancurkan sel penghasil insulin di pankreas. Untuk terjadinya hal ini diperlukan kecenderungan genetik. Pada diabetes tipe I, 90% sel penghasil insulin (sel beta) mengalami kerusakan permanen. Terjadi kekurangan insulin yang berat dan penderita
harus mendapatkan suntikan insulin secara teratur.

Pada diabetes mellitus tipe II (diabetes yang tidak tergantung kepada insulin, NIDDM), pankreas tetap menghasilkan insulin, kadang kadarnya lebih tinggi dari normal. Tetapi tubuh membentuk kekebalan terhadap efeknya, sehingga terjadi kekurangan insulin relatif.

Diabetes tipe II bisa terjadi pada anak-anak dan dewasa, tetapi biasanya terjadi setelah usia 30 tahun.

Faktor resiko untuk diabetes tipe II adalah obesitas,/I>, 80-90% penderita mengalami obesitas. Diabetes tipe II juga cenderung diturunkan.
Penyebab diabetes lainnya adalah:

· Kadar kortikosteroid yang tinggi
· Kehamilan (diabetes gestasional)
· Obat-obatan
· Racun yang mempengaruhi pembentukan atau efek dari insulin

Gejala awalnya berhubungan dengan efek langsung dari kadar gula darah yang tinggi. Jika kadar gula darah sampai diatas 160-180 mg/dL, maka glukosa akan sampai ke air kemih.
Jika kadarnya lebih tinggi lagi, ginjal akan membuang air tambahan untuk mengencerkan sejumlah besar glukosa yang hilang. Karena ginjal menghasilkan air kemih dalam jumlah yang berlebihan, maka penderita sering berkemih dalam jumlah yang banyak (poliuri).

Akibat poliuri maka penderita merasakan haus yang berlebihan sehingga banyak minum (polidipsi).
Sejumlah besar kalori hilang ke dalam air kemih, penderita mengalami penurunan berat badan. Untuk mengkompensasikan hal ini penderita seringkali merasakan lapar yang luar biasa sehingga banyak makan (polifagi).

Gejala lainnya adalah pandangan kabur, pusing, mual dan berkurangnya ketahanan selama melakukan olah raga.
Penderita diabetes yang kurang terkontrol lebih peka terhadap infeksi.

Karena kekurangan insulin yang berat, maka sebelum menjalani pengobatan penderita diabetes tipe I hampir selalu mengalami penurunan berat badan. Sebagian besar penderita diabetes tipe II tidak mengalami penurunan berat badan.

Pada penderita diabetes tipe I, gejalanya timbul secara tiba-tiba dan bisa berkembang dengan cepat ke dalam suatu keadaan yang disebut dengan ketoasidosis diabetikum. Kadar gula di dalam darah adalah tinggi tetapi karena sebagian besar sel tidak dapat menggunakan gula tanpa insulin, maka sel-sel ini mengambil energi dari sumber yang lain. Sel lemak dipecah dan menghasilkan keton, yang merupakan senyawa kimia beracun yang bisa menyebabkan darah menjadi asam (ketoasidosis). Gejala awal dari ketoasidosis diabetikum adalah rasa haus dan berkemih yang berlebihan, mual, muntah, lelah dan nyeri perut (terutama pada anak-anak).
Pernafasan menjadi dalam dan cepat karena tubuh berusaha untuk memperbaiki keasaman darah. Bau nafas penderita tercium seperti bau aseton. Tanpa pengobatan, ketoasidosis diabetikum bisa berkembang menjadi koma, kadang dalam waktu hanya beberapa jam. Bahkan setelah mulai menjalani terapi insulin, penderita diabetes tipe I bisa mengalami ketoasidosis jika mereka melewatkan satu kali penyuntikan insulin atau mengalami stres akibat infeksi, kecelakann atau penyakit yang serius.

Penderita diabetes tipe II bisa tidak menunjukkan gejala-gejala selama beberapa tahun. Jika kekurangan insulin semakin parah, maka timbullah gejala yang berupa sering berkemih dan sering merasa haus. Jarang terjadi ketoasidosis. Jika kadar gula darah sangat tinggi (sampai lebih dari 1.000 mg/dL, biasanya terjadi akibat stres-misalnya infeksi atau obat-obatan), maka penderita akan mengalami dehidrasi berat, yang bisa menyebabkan kebingungan mental, pusing, kejang dan suatu keadaan yang disebut koma
hiperglikemik - hiperosmolar non-ketotik.


Lama-lama peningkatan kadar gula darah bisa merusak pembuluh darah, saraf dan struktur internal lainnya.
Terbentuk zat kompleks yang terdiri dari gula di dalam dinding pembuluh darah, sehingga pembuluh darah menebal dan mengalami kebocoran. Akibat penebalan ini maka aliran darah akan berkurang, terutama yang menuju ke kulit dan saraf. Kadar gula darah yang tidak terkontrol juga cenderung menyebabkan kadar zat
berlemak dalam darah meningkat, sehingga mempercepat terjadinya aterosklerosis (penimbunan plak di dalam pembuluh darah). Aterosklerosis ini 2-6 kali lebih sering terjadi pada penderita diabetes. Sirkulasi yang jelek melalui pembuluh darah besar dan kecil bisa melukai jantung, otak, tungkai, mata, ginjal, saraf dan kulit dan memperlambat
penyembuhan luka.

Karena hal tersebut diatas, maka penderita diabetes bisa mengalami berbagai komplikasi jangka panjang yang serius. Yang lebih sering terjadi adalah serangan jantung dan stroke. Kerusakan pembuluh darah mata bisa menyebabkan gangguan penglihatan ( retinopati diabetikum). Kelainan fungsi ginjal menyebabkan gagal ginjal sehingga penderita harus menjalani dialisa.

Gangguan pada saraf dapat bermanifestasi dalam beberapa bentuk. Jika satu saraf mengalami kelainan fungsi (mononeuropati), maka sebuah lengan atau tungkai biasa secara tiba-tiba menjadi lemah. Jika saraf yang menuju ke tangan, tungkai dan kaki mengalami kerusakan ( polineuropati diabetikum), maka pada lengan dan tungkai bisa dirasakan kesemutan atau nyeri seperti terbakar dan kelemahan. Kerusakan pada saraf menyebabkan kulit lebih sering mengalami cedera karena penderita tidak dapat meredakan perubahan tekanan maupun suhu.
Berkurangnya aliran darah ke kulit juga bisa menyebabkan ulkus (borok) dan semua penyembuhan luka berjalan lambat. Ulkus di kaki bisa sangat dalam dan mengalami infeksi serta masa penyembuhannya lama sehingga sebagian tungkai harus dimputasi.

Penelitian terakhir menunjukkan bahwa komplikasi diabetes dapat dicegah, ditunda atau diperlambat dengan mengontrol kadar gula darah.


Diagnosis diabetes ditegakkan berdasarkan gejala- gejalanya (polidipsi, polifagi, poliuri) dan hasil pemeriksaan darah yang menunjukkan kadar gula darah yang tinggi.

Untuk mengukur kadar gula darah, contoh darah biasanya diambil setelah penderita berpuasa selama 8 jam atau bisa juga diambil setelah makan. Pada usia diatas 65 tahun, paling baik jika pemeriksaan dilakukan setelah
berpuasa karena setelah makan, usia lanjut memiliki peningkatan gula darah yang lebih tinggi.

Pemeriksaan darah lainnya yang bisa dilakukan adalah tes toleransi glukosa. Tes ini dilakukan pada keadaan tertentu, misalnya pada wanita hamil. Penderita berpuasa dan contoh darahnya diambil untuk mengukur kadar gula darah puasa. Lalu penderita meminum larutan khusus yang mengandung sejumlah glukosa dan 2-3 jam kemudian contoh darah diambil lagi untuk diperiksa.

Tujuan utama dari pengobatan diabetes adalah untuk mempertahankan kadar gula darah dalam kisaran yang normal. Kadar gula darah yang benar-benar normal sulit untuk dipertahankan, tetapi semakin mendekati kisaran yang normal, maka kemungkinan terjadinya komplikasi sementara maupun jangka panjang adalah semakin berkurang.

Pengobatan diabetes meliputi pengendalian berat badan, olah raga dan diet. Seseorang yang obesitas yang menderita diabetes tipe II tidak akan memerlukan pengobatan jika mereka menurunkan berat badannya dan berolah raga secara teratur. Tetapi kebanyakan penderita merasa kesulitan menurunkan berat badan dan melakukan olah raga yang teratur. Karena itu biasanya diberikan terapi sulih insulin atau obat hipoglikemik per-oral.

Pengaturan diet sangat penting. Biasanya penderita tidak boleh terlalu banyak makan makanan manis dan harus makan dalam jadwal yang teratur. Penderita diabetes cenderung memiliki kadar kolesterol yang tinggi, karena
itu dianjurkan untuk membatasi jumlah lemak jenuh dalam makanannya. Tetapi cara terbaik untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol adalah mengontrol kadar gula darah dan berat badan.

Semua penderita hendaknya memahami bagaimana menjalani diet dan olah raga untuk mengontrol penyakitnya. Mereka harus memahami bagaimana cara menghindari terjadinya komplikasi. Mereka juga harus memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap infeksi kaki dan kukunya harus dipotong secara teratur. Penting untuk memeriksakan matanya supaya bisa diketahui perubahan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah di mata.

Terapi sulih insulin
Pada diabetes tipe I, pankreas tidak dapat menghasilkan insulin sehingga harus diberikan insulin pengganti.Pemberian insulin hanya dapat dilakukan melalui suntikan, insulin dihancurkan di dalam lambung sehingga tidak dapat diberikan per-oral (ditelan). Bentuk insulin yang baru (semprot hidung) sedang dalam penelitian. Pada saat ini, bentuk insulin yang baru ini belum dapat bekerja dengan baik karena laju penyerapannya yang berbeda
menimbulkan masalah dalam penentuan dosisnya.
Insulin disuntikkan dibawah kulit ke dalam lapisan lemak, biasanya dilengan, paha atau dinding perut. Digunakan jarum yang sangat kecil agar tidak terasa terlalu nyeri.
Insulin terdapat dalam 3 bentuk dasar, masing-masing memiliki kecepatan dan lama kerja yang berbeda:

1.   Insulin kerja cepat.
    Contohnya adalah insulin reguler, yang bekerja paling cepat dan paling 
     sebentar. Insulin ini seringkali mulai menurunkan kadar gula dalam
     waktu 20 menit, mencapai puncaknya dalam waktu 2-4 jam dan bekerja
     selama 6-8 jam. Insulin kerja cepat seringkali digunakan oleh
     penderita yang menjalani beberapa kali suntikan setiap harinya dan
     disutikkan 15-20 menit sebelum makan.

2.   Insulin kerja sedang.

     Contohnya adalah insulin suspensi seng atau suspensi insulin isofan.
     Mulai bekerja dalam waktu 1-3 jam, mencapai puncak maksimun dalam
     waktu 6-10 jam dan bekerja selama 18-26 jam. Insulin ini bisa
     disuntikkan pada pagi hari untuk memenuhi kebutuhan selama sehari dan
     dapat disuntikkan pada malam hari untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sepanjang

3.   Insulin kerja lama.

     Contohnya adalah insulin suspensi seng yang telah dikembangkan.
     Efeknya baru timbul setelah 6 jam dan bekerja selama 28-36 jam.

Sediaan insulin stabil dalam suhu ruangan selama berbulan-bulan sehingga bisa dibawa kemana-mana.

Pemilihan insulin yang akan digunakan tergantung kepada:
·  Keinginan penderita untuk mengontrol diabetesnya
·  Keinginan penderita untuk memantau kadar gula darah dan menyesuaikan dosisnya
·  Aktivitas harian penderita
·  Kecekatan penderita dalam mempelajari dan memahami penyakitnya
·  Kestabilan kadar gula darah sepanjang hari dan dari hari ke hari.

Sediaan yang paling mudah digunakan adalah suntikan sehari sekali dari insulin kerja sedang. Tetapi sediaan ini memberikan kontrol gula darah yang paling minimal. Kontrol yang lebih ketat bisa diperoleh dengan menggabungkan 2 jenis insulin, yaitu insulin kerja cepat dan insulin kerja sedang. Suntikan kedua diberikan pada saat makan malam atau ketika hendak tidur malam. Kontrol yang paling ketat diperoleh dengan menyuntikkan insulin kerja cepat dan insulin kerja sedang pada pagi dan malam hari disertai suntikan insulin kerja cepat tambahan pada siang hari.

Beberapa penderita usia lanjut memerlukan sejumlah insulin yang sama setiap harinya; penderita lainnya perlu menyesuaikan dosis insulinnya tergantung kepada makanan, olah raga dan pola kadar gula darahnya. Kebutuhan akan insulin bervariasi sesuai dengan perubahan dalam makanan dan olah raga.

Beberapa penderita mengalami resistensi terhadap insulin. Insulin tidak sepenuhnya sama dengan insulin yang dihasilkan oleh tubuh, karena itu tubuh bisa membentuk antibodi terhadap insulin pengganti. Antibodi ini mempengaruhi aktivitas insulin sehingga penderita dengan resistansi terhadap insulin harus meningkatkan dosisnya.
Penyuntikan insulin dapat mempengaruhi kulit dan jaringan dibawahnya pada tempat suntikan. Kadang terjadi reaksi alergi yang menyebabkan nyeri dan rasa terbakar, diikuti kemerahan, gatal dan pembengkakan di sekitar tempat penyuntikan selama beberapa jam. Suntikan sering menyebabkan terbentuknya endapan lemak (sehingga kulit tampak berbenjol-benjol) atau merusak lemak (sehingga kulit berlekuk-lekuk). Komplikasi tersebut bisa dicegah dengan cara mengganti tempat penyuntikan dan mengganti jenis insulin. Pada pemakaian insulin manusia sintetis jarang terjadi resistensi dan alergi.

Obat-obat hipoglikemik per-oral

Golongan sulfonilurea seringkali dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah secara adekuat pada penderita diabetes tipe II, tetapi tidak efektif pada diabetes tipe I. Contohnya adalah glipizid, gliburid, tolbutamid dan klorpropamid.
Obat ini menurunkan kadar gula darh dengan cara merangsang pelepasan insulin oleh pankreas dan meningkatkan efektivitasnya.

Obat lainnya, yaitu metformin, tidak mempengaruhi pelepasan insulin tetapi meningkatkan respon tubuh terhadap insulinnya sendiri. Akarbos bekerja dengan cara menunda penyerapan glukosa di dalam usus.

Obat hipoglikemik per-oral biasanya diberikan pada penderita diabetes tipe II jika diet dan oleh raga gagal menurunkan kadar gula darah secara adekuat. Obat ini kadang bisa diberikan hanya satu kali (pagi hari), meskipun beberapa penderita memerlukan 2-3 kali pemberian. Jika obat hipoglikemik per-oral tidak dapat mengontrol kadar gula darah dengan baik, mungkin perlu diberikan suntikan insulin.

Pemantauan pengobatan

Pemantauan kadar gula darah merupakan bagian yang penting dari pengobatan diabetes. Adanya glukosa bisa diketahui dari air kemih; tetap pemerisaan air kemih bukan merupakan cara yang baik untuk memantau pengobatan atau menyesuaikan dosis pengobatan. Saat ini kadar gula darah dapat diukur sendiri dengan mudah oleh penderita di rumah.

Penderita diabetes harus mencatat kadar gula darah mereka dan melaporkannya kepada dokter agar dosis insulin atau obat hipoglikemiknya dapat disesuaikan.

Mengatasi komplikasi

Insulin maupun obat hipoglikemik per-oral bisa terlalu banyak menurunkan kadar gula darah sehingga terjadi hipoglikemia. Hipoglikemia juga bisa terjadi jika penderita kurang makan atau tidak makan pada waktunya atau melakukan olah raga yang terlalu berat tanpa makan.

Jika kadar gula darah terlalu rendah, organ pertama yang terkena pengaruhnya adalah otak. Untuk melindungi otak, tubuh segera mulai membuat glukosa dari glikogen yang tersimpan di hati. Proses ini melibatkan pelepasan epinefrin ( adrenalin), yang cenderung menyebabkan rasa lapar, kecemasan, meningkatnya kesiagaan dan gemetaran. Berkurangnya kadar glukosa darah ke otak bisa menyebabkan sakit kepala.

Hipoglikemia harus segera diatasi karena dalam beberapa menit bisa menjadi berat, menyebabkan koma dan kadang cedera otak menetap. Jika terdapat tanda hipoglikemia, penderita harus segera makan gula. Karena
itu penderita diabetes harus selalu membawa permen, gula atau tablet glukosa untuk menghadapi serangan hipoglikemia. Atau penderita segera minum segelas susu, air gula atau jus buah, sepotong kue, buah-buahan atau makanan manis lainnya. Penderita diabetes tipe I harus selalu membawa glukagon, yang bisa disuntikkan jika mereka tidak dapat memakan makanan yang mengandung gula.

Gejala-gejala dari kadar gula darah rendah:

· Rasa lapar yang timbul secara tiba-tiba
· Sakit kepala
· Kecemasan yang timbul secara tiba-tiba
· Badan gemetaran
· Berkeringat
· Bingung
· Penurunan kesadaran, koma.

Ketoasidosis diabetikum merupakan suatu keadaan darurat. Tanpa pengobatan yang tepat dan cepat, bisa terjadi koma dan kematian.

Penderita harus dirawat di unit perawatan intensif. Diberikan sejumlah besar cairan intravena dan elektrolit (natrium, kalium, klorida, fosfat) untuk menggantikan yang hilang melalui air kemih yang berlebihan.

Insulin diberikan melalui intravena sehingga bisa bekerja dengan segera dan dosisnya disesuaikan. Kadar glukosa, keton dan elektrolit darah diukur setiap beberapa jam, sehingga pengobatan yang diberikan bisa disesuaikan. Contoh darah arteri diambil untuk mengetahui keasamannya. Pengendalian kadar gula darah dan penggantian elektrolit biasanya bisa mengembalikan keseimbangan asam basa, tetapi kadang perlu diberikan pengobatan tambahan untuk mengoreksi keasaman darah. 

Pengobatan untuk koma hiperglikemik-hiperosmolar non-ketotik sama dengan pengobatan untuk ketoasidosis diabetikum. Diberikan cairan dan elektrolit pengganti. Kadar gula darah harus dikembalikan secara bertahap untuk mencegah perpindahan cairan ke dalam otak. Kadar gula darah cenderung lebih mudah dikontrol dan keasaman darahnya tidak terlalu berat.

Jika kadar gula darah tidak terkontrol, sebagian besar komplikasi jangka panjang berkembang secara progresif.
Retinopati diabetik dapat diobati secara langsung dengan pembedahan laser untuk menyumbat kebocoran pembuluh darah mata sehingga bisa mencegah kerusakan retina yang menetap. Terapi laser dini bisa membantu mencegah atau memperlambat hilangnya penglihatan.

Causes and Symptoms Anemia

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:49 AM | 0 comments »

Anemia (in Greek: No blood) is a situation where the number of red blood cells or amount of hemoglobin (oxygen carrying protein) in red blood cells is below normal.

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which allow them to carry oxygen from the lungs and mengantarkannya throughout the body.

Anemia causes the reduced number of red blood cells or amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells, so that blood can not carry oxygen in the appropriate amount of the required body

1. Causes of Anemia

Common causes of anemia:

o severe bleeding
o acute (sudden)
o Accident
o Maternity
o broken blood vessel
o chronicles (chronic)
o bleeding nose
o hemorrhoids (hemoroid)
o Ulkus peptikum
o polyp or cancer in the alimentary tract
o Tumor kidney or bladder
o bleeding menstruasi the very many

* Reduction in the formation of red blood cells
o Lack of iron
o Lack of vitamin B12
o Lack of acid folat
o Lack of vitamin C
o Diseases chronicles

o Increased red blood cell eradication
o Pembesaran spleen
o Damage mechanics in the red blood cell
o Reaction autoimun of red blood cells:

Hemoglobinuria nokturnal paroksismal Sferositosis herediter Elliptositosis herediter

o Lack of G6PD
o sickle cell disease
o hemoglobin C disease
o Diseases hemoglobin S-C
o hemoglobin E disease
o Thalasemia

2. Symptoms

Symptoms caused by the oxygen supply is not sufficient need for this vary. Anemia can cause fatigue, weakness, lack of energy and feel the blow. If anemia is serious, can cause a stroke or heart attack.
3. Diagnosis

Simple blood examination can determine the existence of anemia. The percentage of red blood cells in total blood volume (hematokrit) and the amount of hemoglobin in a blood sample can be determined. Inspection is part of a countdown type of blood complete (CBC).

Causes Of Cataracts

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 6:00 AM | 0 comments »


Are cataracts That?

Cataract is the lens changes the previously clear and translucent become clouded. Cataracts cause people can not see clearly because of the clouded lens with a light and difficult to reach the retina will result in a vague shadow on the retina. The amount and form of any irregularity in the lens can vary.

A cataract patient may not have undergone cataract interference when the turbidity is not located the eye lens. Cataracts occur slowly-slowly, so vision of a little disturbed. Cataracts do not spread from eye to eye one another, but can occur in both eyes at the same time. Cataract is not caused by the use of excessive and does not cause permanent blindness if overcome with treatment or surgery. Symptoms of general disturbance cataracts include:

Vision is not clear, as there is fog prevents objects.
Sensitive to light or rays.
Can see a double in one eye.
Require lighting of the light to read.
Lens becomes opaque glass, such as susu.

What causes cataracts?

Most cataracts occur because the process of increasing age or degeneratif someone. Average age of occurrence of cataract is the age of 60 years and over.

However, cataracts can also occur on the baby because the mother infected with the virus at the time a young child. Other causes of cataracts include:
The offspring.
Congenital birth defects.
Health problems, such as diabetes.
Use of certain medications, especially steroid.
Without protective eye is exposed to the sun in a long time.
Previous eye surgery.
Trauma (accidents) in the eye.
Other factors that have not been known.

Detecting how cataracts?

Through thorough examination specialist eye doctor can detect cataracts or other causes of unrest and disturbances in the lens on the eye. Another problem in the eye, such as cornea, retina and nerves of vision, may still interfere with the vision after cataract surgery. If you do not give better results in my vision, cataract surgery may not be recommended. Specialist eye doctor will explain how much vision improvement will be achieved after cataract surgery.

Are cataracts Can Harass Vision With Fast?

Speed on the interference cataracts someone can not be predicted, because of cataracts in each individual is different, even between different perkembangannyapun one eye with the eye next to it. Disturbances of vision caused by cataracts akan faster with increasing age of someone. However, in diabetics, although still young, cataracts disrupt akan vision more quickly.

How Overcoming cataracts?

Cataracts can be overcome only through the operating procedures. However, if symptoms of cataract does not disrupt, the operation action is not necessary. Sometimes simply changing glasses. Until this time there is no medicine, food, sports or activities that can cure or prevent someone from interference cataracts. Akan but to protect the eyes against excessive sunlight may slow the occurrence of cataracts interference. Dark glasses or regular glasses that can prevent ultraviolet rays (UV) should be used when diruang open at noon.

When operation is done?

Action needs to be done when the operation has caused cataracts or loss of vision with the routine activities daily. Cataract surgery is performed with local drug or drops, and without requiring Inpatient.

What is expected from cataract operation?

Operating with sufficient local drug or drops, and without having to undergo Inpatient. Was clouded lens and replace them with artificial lenses that are permanently planted. Specialist eye doctors perform the procedure with the use of equipment operating with high technical fakoemulsifikasi (without stitches). Level of success of cataract surgery is quite high. More than 95% of operations result in the improvement of vision, when there is no interference in the cornea, retina, nerves of the eyes or other eye problems. JEC using IOL Master to improve the accuracy of the size of the lens plant used. Please note, although complications are very rare, can occur at the time of surgery and after surgery. If there is a disruption in any eye after surgery, immediately contact a specialist eye doctor. In most people who have a cataract operation, where the capsule or membrane intraokular lenses can be inserted into muddy.

Laser therapy is required to open this cloudy capsule is, that vision became clear again. Conclusion cataracts are common causes of reduced vision, especially going on the human longevity can be overcome. Specialist eye doctor can find out if cataracts or other problems that caused the loss of vision, action and whether surgery is needed to overcome the interference cataracts.

Leukemia Mieloid Acute

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 5:19 AM | 0 comments »

Mieloid leukemia acute

DEFINITION Mieloid leukemia (mielositik, mielogenous, mieloblastik, mielomonositik, LMA) is the acute disease that can result in fatal, where mielosit (which in normal circumstances become granulosit) becomes vicious and will immediately replace the normal cells in the bone marrow.

Leukemia can strike all ages, but most often occur in adults.

Leukemik cells buried in the bone marrow, destroy and replace cells that produce blood cells are normal.
Cancer cells is then released into the bloodstream and move to other organs, where they continue their growth and self-cleave.
They can form a small tumor (kloroma) in the right or under the skin and can cause meningitis, anemia, heart failure, kidney failure and other organ damage. Causes

The exposure to radiation (irradiation) and the use of high dose multiple drug chemotherapy antikanker will increase the likelihood of the occurrence of LMA.


The first symptoms usually occur because the bone marrow fails to produce normal blood cells in adequate amounts.
Symptoms include:
- Weak
- Shortness of breath
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Fever.

Other symptoms are headache, vomiting, anxiety, and painful bones and joints.


Calculate blood type is the first evidence that someone suffering from leukemia.

Young white blood cells (blast cells) akan sediaan seen in the blood is examined under a microscope.

Bone marrow biopsy is almost always done to strengthen the diagnosis and determine the type of leukemia.

Treatment goal is leukemik destroy all the cells so that the disease can be controlled.
LMA only response to certain drugs and treatments often make people more sick before they improved. People become ill because of more pressing aktivitias treatment bone marrow, so that the number of white blood cells a little more (especially granulosit) and this could easily cause an infection.

May be needed for red blood cell transfusion and trombosit.

At the beginning of chemotherapy is usually given sitarabin (7 days) and daunorubisin (for 3 days).
Sometimes given additional medication (such as tioguanin or vinkristin) and prednison.

After Remisi achieved, given additional chemotherapy (consolidation chemotherapy) a few weeks or several months after initial treatment.

Usually treatment is not necessary for the brain.
Pencangkokan bone can be performed on patients who do not provide a response to treatment and at the age of young people who were originally to provide response to treatment.


50-85% sufferer LMA provides a good response to treatment.
20-40% sufferer no longer shows signs of leukemia within 5 years after treatment, this figure increased to 40-50% in patients who undergo bone marrow pencangkokan.

The worst prognosis found at:
- People aged over 50 years
- Patients who undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy for other diseases.

Crashes The Back

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:55 AM | 0 comments »

Did you realize that without our many organs we work 24 hours non-stop? Back is one of them. In circumstances tidurpun, back to fixed function always keep our body postures. Given back to work for 24 hours, we often forget to give it attention. Try calculating how many times you exercise per week, or feel stress how minute you stand up or sit down in a day? answer all the questions above are related to your health back.

Backbone composed of 24 pieces of bone called Vertebrae (spine). Individual vertebrae are separated from one another by cartilage cushion or discus. The entire series of three vertebrae form this curve natural fruit, which resembles the letter "S".
Curved top of the segment is also called servikal (neck), then followed by the segment Toraks (back middle) and the terbawah the lumbar (back down). Lumbar flexion duty to sustain the whole weight of the body and movement.

Body postures that will both protect us from injury during movement to spread the burden evenly overlooks the spine. Body postures that will be good if your ear, shoulder and pinggul are in a straight line down nke.
Component back

Supported by the back muscles back, stomach, waist and leg is strong and flexible. All these muscles work to hold in order to discus and spine remain in normal position. Weakness in one of the muscle will increase the tension on the muscles and eventually lead to back problems.

Discus. Tulan cushion the vulnerable function as this there is a shake-up among the vertebrae, allowing joint-sendiuntuk a smooth move. Each has a discus bagiam middle spongy (small hollow) and the outside is hard and contains nerve fibers to pain. There is also a liquid that flows into and out discus. This fluid serves as a lubricant allowing the back to move freely. Healthy discus is elastic, easy to go back to original shape if it is the second vertebra.

At the time of sleep, very little fluid out of the discus. That is why we often experience muscle stiffness when building a new bed. Sudden movement of the new building during sleep can lead to back injury.
Blighter back

Many people do not realize that if they were indeed always' employ 'back every time you sit, stand or lie down. So back to work non-stop for 24 hours a day.

Poor body postures, obesity (Obesity) and movements that are less true for many years, will result in deviation in the discus and muscle, can even result in back pain.

Some of the 'abuse' back:

Stress. Backbone is very sensitive to muscle tension due to stress every day. In the weak and stiff, the back muscles spasme (convulsions). This condition causes the flow of blood that carry oxygen to be obstructed, so that muscle oxygen deficiency. As a result, patients experience more severe pain if not treated immediately see a doctor.

Poor body postures. Body postures that are less precise cause curved spine is not in a straight line so easy to cause injury and premature aberration on the discus. Discus the weak no longer be able to cushion vertebra. Aberration due to the bad body postures that is too curved spine to the front or rear.
Poor Sports. 80% of cases painful spine caused bad kelenturan (tonus) muscles, or less exercise. Weak muscles, especially in the abdomen, the spine is not able to substantiate the maximum.

Injury and muscle tension. Movement rotate, bend, or lift the heavy burden that is not done correctly, will result in muscle tension or injury ligamen (network eleastis maintain stability of the bones). The same can also occur due to sudden movement in the sport, for example, when the switch or direction.

Osteoarthritis. The process of the discus penuaan out (protruding) from the operation and growth tulangbaru such as the spur that cause joint inflammation accompanied by pain. Body postures and spinal care is generally good meredakannya can.

Crashes down the back issues that often make people come treatment are:
Tension in the muscles and ligamen (muskulo-ligamentosa syndrome). A bad body postures, which take place over many years can cause the muscles and spine ligamen tight or torn. Similarly with the old back injury and not mdiobati. Symptoms: painful and stiff at the back, movement is limited.

Injury to the pelvic joints and ligamen (sakroiliaka syndrome). Gyration of a sudden can cause peregangan, twist or rip the muscles and ligamen (inter-network that connects bones) hip joints. Symptoms: sharp pain on both sides of the pelvis while the patient stands ..

Joint injury (faset syndrome). Shifting light on the surface of the joints can cause nerve around the wall or depression. Ligamen around the joints become swollen and taut. This condition if left for many years can increase the risk of a back injury. Symptoms: stiff and sore, or bend while rotating.

Muscle balance disturbances and physical development of the growth of abnormal or uneven tungkailebih cause one or more short panjangsehingga cause feeling uncomfortable or painful.

Injury discus (discus syndrome) discus, which should function as a cushion vertebra, prominent due to the exit pressure, the dilution (degeneration) because the process penuaan or torn. Discus injury may be caused because the movement is done in a sudden. Symptoms: sore back that weight and stay in position when the patient is too bend. Also accompanied by leg pain.

Skoliosis dislocated back veer to the right or left - often occurs in adolescent females - where this situation will cause the joint inflammation of the back pain. Symptoms: upraised shoulder, scapula prominent.

Overcoming back pain

Avoid stress, learn and behave rileks while avoid routines. Learn how to lift the load, stand, sit and lie correctly. Organized sports, kelenturan useful to improve the musculature and joints back. Get healthy lifestyles, with the stress and learn to maintain weight balance.

Exactly how to dispel Headaches

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:51 AM | 0 comments »

Among the many health disturbances, headache, including the most common diseases. But it is often less precise. But relying on drugs, for example. In fact, it should be handling the other side of the head that aches does not come easy.
At least, 90% of the population once the two men never feel the headache. Most likely you also.

View from the intensity, headache is bergradasi, from mild to chilling, or of the charge to make sewot unbearable. Pain can occur on one side only, can also cover the entire head. Frequency can come every day or occasionally. Ngendon length for hours, can even spend a day. Sometimes this pain at the same time with various other kinds of problems nausea, vomiting or disturbances of vision, hearing, and sensor functions. Even in the case of serious interference with muscle function.

We feel the pain when nothing else is pain. For the body, pain is a sign of irregularity. If the pain of his head lightly and quickly lost, the irregularity may be light-light course. Conversely, when headache is shown repeatedly and with feeling of nausea, vomiting, waspada.Tidak we have closed the possibility, these symptoms indicates a brain tumor.
Lifestyle and environment

Until a few years ago, scientists already know the various causes of head pain. Facial muscle tension, muscular neck, or scalp, including the dituding as the cause. Stress is closely related with the stress of whack and every day you can not afford to manage it. Migraine is still considered something different. The doctor said, migraine occurs when the blood vessel through a narrow-menentunya not cause the flow of blood.
Currently, researchers are also focusing on the trigeminal nerve system and serotonin as a compound that is estimated to determine not come headache. Trigeminal nerve system is the main entry for the coming pain. Normally, this nervous system to bring sensorik nerve impulse from the head and face to the brain.

Serotonin is one of several nerve compound (neurotransmiter) the movement of messages through the nerves of this road. In the migraine patients, the doctors suspect some nerve impulse generated in the brain melenceng in the trigeminal nerve. Impulse stops at the blood vessel in the brain and the protective coating on the skin of the head in place of red blood vessel and swell. Then a message is sent back pain to the brain. The result is the throbbing pain in head.

Triggers include painful headaches almost all things related to lifestyle and environment. The most common is stress and diet. Can be a powerful trigger for chronic headache or migraine. Stress may come from the big events in our lives such as divorce or lost a job. Or, strife happens almost every day. Even moments after quieting themselves beyond the full-time stress can also cause headaches.

The researchers can not explain how stress can make head pain. Some of them suspect the stress imbalance that results in a painful way to enhance the entrance pain in the brain and prevent painful internal control systems in the brain.

In addition, approximately 8-25% of migraine as a specific point food ringleader headache attacks. Alcoholic beverages, especially beer and red wine, that can cause headaches. Allegedly most responsible for our sense is sustansi typical alcoholic beverages. Tyramines, a chemical compound dikandung food kind of cheese, Chianti wine, and the pickled herring, also allegedly affect the occurrence of migraine mechanisms.

Termination of caffeine can also cause headaches. Gynecology caffeine in the blood can go down dramatically, for example, when coffee drinker forget to drink coffee in the morning. Menenggak After another cup of coffee, already sick of his head missing. Additional materials in food, such as sodium nitrit in a hot dog, or vetsin in fried noodle, may also trigger a migraine.

In addition to trigger-triggered earlier, there are more things that trigger a headache. Including climate change or the weather, altitude, or time zone, change the pattern of sleep and eat; berfluktuasinya hormone levels during menstruasi cycle or pregnancy, including estrogen therapy for menopause or women use oral contraceptives; pengiritasi nerve sensorik kinds of flashy lights or blinks, also strange smell; terpolusi and air or the crowded room.
Obati and antidotal

The headaches can be done with a drinking medicine, be the top two categories, namely abortif drugs to stop or reduce pain after the headache comes, and propilaktik medication to prevent headaches.

Example drugs abortif is asetilsalsilat acid, paracetamol, ibuprofen, and ketoprofen. The first two types of drugs, including drugs free of most known of the Indonesian people who sold a variety of brands. Drugs of this group is very useful in handling headaches and mild to moderate migraine.

Acid asetilsalsilat including body quickly absorbed. For penderitamigrain, usually 15-20 minutes before take medicine that was created 100 years ago is recommended to drink anti-nausea drugs. This is necessary because the attack of migraine is usually accompanied by the decrease in stomach and bowel movement yangakan limit penyerapannya. Pregnant women, people with tukak stomach or intestine, and patients who akan mejalani operation of a week is also not advisable to take medicine does not appear harmful side effects.

As pain medication, paracetamol is the drug of choice to treat headaches in people with stomach or intestinal tukak. However, this drug is not recommended to be drunk people with less nutrition, liver function disturbances and kidney. Habitue alcohol drinking is also not recommended because this drug with paracetamol consume alcohol may increase the toxic effect of paracetamol on the liver.

While the drugs work to prevent the coming propilaktik headache since the beginning, or reduce the severity and frequency of headaches. Which includes, among antidepresan medicine, medicines kardiovaskuler (beta-blocker and calcium channel blocker), vitamin B12, and magnesiumnya under the supervision of a doctor.

In addition to medication before, we also need to take steps to support. One of them is warm mengompres, and a short break from the situations of pressure or stress. This was due to pressure headache.

While sleeping in a dark or quiet room is also needed to support a migraine treatment. We can also mengompres warm or cold, warm water bath, and a short break from the situations of pressure or stress. This was due to pressure headache.

While sleeping in a dark or quiet room is also needed to support a migraine treatment. We can also mengompres cold to the back of the neck and squeeze tight skin of the head aches. We should not consume food or mineral beralkohol when the headache.


In the long term, we perangi headache with the headache trigger. Provide a record of them daily headache, of which explains the time, heavy-ringannya, the pain, trigger, etc.. In this note we facilitate in providing certainty in the picture give you a definitive on the doctor about the headaches we experienced. Of this note can be also identified a pattern of headaches. From there, we can avoid the light the factors that seems to be causing headaches.

Restrict the use of pain remover (painkillers) can also reject the coming headache. You can ask the doctor, how often we can take the medicine remover pain without causing headaches side. This is important because drugs consume painkillers for long time can make the headache became more severe and more frequent.
If you are smoker, let's stop smoking. Smoking can bring to the occurrence of migraine or headache due to nerves, and increase the intensity.

Managing stress can also help dispel the coming headache. How, with the exercise routine. When physical activity causes migraine, start with the first heating slowly.
Two other ways to reduce stress is relaxation therapy and biofeedback therapy. Biofeedback therapy teaches us to control the functions of the body, types of blood pressure is normally controlled in the unconscious. Handling types Akupuntur or pemijatan also useful for the long-term headache, although efektifitasnya vary.

Sometimes depression, restlessness, or other emotional problems associated with chronic headaches and severe. It's good we do counseling, individual or family, to help minimize the headaches as a result of depression. Counseling may also help reduce the negative effects of the headache our family.

So, pemijatan headache requires a determination that combined with other approaches. This means penyeimbangan between the sports medicine, nutritious food, and enough rest. The goal is to dispel headaches from all sides. When all are combined well, you can control the pain and not pain that we can control.

How Easy to Treat Sleep Disorders

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:48 AM | 0 comments »

Sleep? Hmmm, imagine it is ecstatic. Nikmatnya dibuai dream kapok tree in the island. Rest with adequate sleep, such as sports and diet, important means for the health. Also all already know. Sleep makes the body relax and get new energy, while at the same time have a psychological and physiological functions that affect the mental and physical health.

Healthy sleep is defined as how much the quality of sleep needed to maintain optimal alertness while awake us. Adults need 8 hours sleep each night, while sleeping hours are the ideal, is very individual.
Children and young people who go need more time to sleep, over 8 hours. Malangnya, not everyone can sleep enough, and culminate in chronic sleep disturbances. For those who experience sleep disturbances (insomnia), such as narcolepsy and other types of disease, sleep is not refreshing facilities.

Research shows that the loss of sleep that terakumulasi from time to time, causing sleep debt. Not only the money that the debt, it seems. Bed rest is not a problem bear sufficient physical and mental health, low energy, memory loss and difficulty maintaining balance. Oops, how serious?

Overcoming Sleep Snore

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:43 AM | 0 comments »

Sounds like a no. But, the noisy sound asleep when this was not uncommon to create a low self penderitanya afraid to get married or divorced husband-wife.
See it and how menanggulanginya.

"Papa, Papa, I wake up, I'm not able to sleep!" suspire Adi-goyangkan swing while his father's body was sleeping because the issue "music" noise from the mouth ngorok alias. Not long after his father asleep again, the sound grookkk, groookkk, groookkk resound again. Because of sorts, Adi eventually move to their own rooms, not in the room so nimbrung father and mother. Meanwhile his mother, already have their own tricks to overcome his father's voice ngorok, plug ears with cotton before use going to bed.
Channel Tersumbatnya breath
Impact ngorok in household affairs is still not nothing. "Diseases" whoop this one can even delay the desire for married people, and even become one of the causes of divorce.

A girl, just call the El, he has reached the four but still do not dare to take the decision to get married only when trouble sleeping like snore very loud. He will be ridiculed by fear spouses. Kebiasaannya that burlesque is so friends and relatives. "Where there are men who want to sleep with a woman who ngorok like me?" keluhnya despair.

Sometimes all the difficult things that one is. The snorer difficult, the hearing was delayed. Saking may not hold the power gempuran vote ngorok party every night, there are only a select part. If both couples equally snorer, perhaps going to one another scramble want to sleep earlier so that not disrupted by the sleep and can ngorok first.

In fact, according to the data to be feasible, snore suffered by one out of five adults. The cause snore, says Prof. Hendarto Hendarmin, ENT specialist doctors in Jakarta, the manifold. Deviation can be as anatomy nose (septum deviation), sumbatan by the polyp, or allergies that make mucous tumefy so people must breathe through the mouth. Snore can also experience the children, and is usually due to tonsil and adenoid enlargement on the back of the nose.

But that, dengkuran indicates that the respiratory channel in stoppage time someone was sleeping. Dengkuran sound coming from the air to go through the business channel that is narrow.
Simply, the snore can be described as following. During sleep, muscles - including the respiratory muscles - become more rileks when compared with awake. On some people the problem is not so. But for some people, especially the elderly, muscle rileks create a narrow channel the breath and cause stoppage. Condition progressively worsened over again when people sleep in the recumbent position, so that the tongue to drop back melemas. So stoppage occurs, such as a bottle neck. Turbulensi vibration due to air in the soft faring as a negative pressure in the way of respiratory sleep when it appears as a grunt.

A light and a loud

Ngorok can be distinguished on several types. There dengkuran light, with sound and smooth progress continuously. This usually occurs in the early phases of sleep and generally is a sign of fatigue.

Other types dengkuran is hard, intermittent, and followed by pounding in a breath. Dengkuran this is the kind of interference should diwaspadai because the breath of this type of risk damage to vital organs.

As an illustration, in the United States estimated at 10 - 30% of adults snore. From that amount, 5% of the population the U.S. has a hard habit snore while sleeping and it indicates there is a serious health problem. Most of the 5% of the population is male diversiform sex, aged more than 40 years, and have excessive body weight.

Which should diwaspadai is a kind of hard to dengkuran-out room to hear. Dengkuran is usually lost some time, and then proceed with the breath that sounded like dientakkan.

If such situation occurs, it means that people periodically stop breathing. Terentak is the breath of the body defense mechanism against the risk of low value O2/CO2 in blood. This condition causes the quality of sleep is not adequate and often dikeluhkan as insomnia sufferer.

In medical terms, the pattern snoring - all the breath is called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) or interference obstruktif breath while sleeping.

Symptoms typically among OSAS often switch position to sleep, dream or nightmare gag. OSAS patients are often awakened at night with a heart throb. Morning wake up time, patients are usually not enough sleep and less fresh. In addition, people also wake up the morning with the awkward, awry, dry mouth, and headache.
Labeled lazy children

OSAS can also attack children with excessive body weight or suffering from enlargement of tonsil.

As with adults, OSAS is also marked with a snore. Other symptoms of OSAS in children is a difficult vote breath or sleep patterns - who does not keep order.
In the adolescent, with a marked sense of OSAS excessive drowsiness during the day and school achievement worsened. The young people are often labeled as slow or lazy.
People complained about the taste kantuknya akan excessive, even to the extent. Sufferer can fall asleep in public places, while chatting, meeting, when sitting in the chair, even when waiting at traffic light turns green.

Disruption of concentration and tendency to be forgetful is due to the low quality and quantity of sleep. Changes in behavior such as thin-skinned, angry, aggressive, pencuriga, fear, and depression often accompanies chronic sleep disturbances in OSAS patients. In addition, approximately 28% of OSAS about the decline in sexual desire. In the men, OSAS cause a significant decrease in the ability ereksi (impotensi).

In the normal circumstances, blood pressure and heart frequency tap during sleep is lower than when awake. However, OSAS patients on the things that happens exactly otherwise. So that the additional burden of going to work the heart. This condition is often associated with the occurrence of heart attack during the night sleep.

OSAS patients during sleep, oxygen supply to the heart decreased (due to a respiratory disturbance), while the heart muscle needs oxygen will increase due to the frequency of blood pressure and increased heart tap.

There are trends in OSAS patients died due to heart disease and blood vessel. Based on research in 1995 by Lavie, 45% of OSAS disease died because of heart and blood vessel.
Avoid it

Other research by Koehler and Schafer (1996) concluded, 35% patients suffering from coronary heart OSAS.

In fact Rangenmark et al. (1995) states, in the OSAS patients demolition activity decrease blood clot, so that heighten the risk of a disease or coronary disease vaskuler brain (Kompas, March 30, 1997).

Stopping the breath in the OSAS patients also hindered the supply of oxygen to the brain. As a result, brain cells short of oxygen. Worst condition is the death of cells, same as stroke.
Reported by Palomaki et al. (1989), 41.9% of stroke occurs when sleeping, and about 70% of patients are those with the habit snore.

Based on the above considerations, snore can be said is an indication of the importance of breath during sleep disturbances. However, if you snore, and some of the symptoms of OSAS is felt, do not panic. Is not serumit and semahal consequences that might occur.
You should see it first. If the result of tonsil, can be treated with surgery. Meanwhile, if the problem is due to obesity, the decrease in body weight as much as 10% can relieve your breath during sleep. This is shown by the frequency of stoppage of breath more often, sleep more lelap, and less feeling of drowsiness in the afternoon. It is recommended that the snorer does not consume alcoholic beverages measure even lower, especially the two hours before bed.

Alcohol breath press center in the brain, so that the weight of OSAS. Sleep medicine is also poor with the same result for alcohol snorer. While drugs remover to feel anxious, headache, or flu often be found out with the breath while sleeping.
If the stoppage breath due to allergies or smoking, cigarette, and then subtract Keep causes allergy. If you snore only caused by respiratory tertutupnya road melemas and the tongue falls back, then Arrange your sleeping position. Do not sleep recumbent because that will cause the tongue to the back of weak collapse.

Later this many products offered to prevent snoring as "foreign drugs" such as pillows worth Rp 100.000, - and swallow the medicine. Swallow drugs who later said shipped from the U.S., even if made from natural materials, but must be carefully pemakaiannya.

Most important things, you will need to find out the cause dengkuran. Whether as a result of respiratory tersumbatnya channel position to sleep, or because of other things. If because of other things, whether the composition of medicinal plants used in medicine antidengkur do not have any side effects.
In addition, in mengkonsumsinya, asked how life need to be more effective. I wonder drugs that were included in this new food supplement effective when eaten 30 - 60 minutes of sleep at night. For people with a body weight below 55 kg, simply swallow 1 pill a day. However, to the weight above 55 kg, will need 2 pills a day. Impact of pill will be visible after being eaten 14 - 21 days. Highly recommended to avoid fatty foods for about 4 hours before bed.

Well, if you snore, if the first detection of a type of light or heavy. Then note the symptoms and new steps to try it. The most secure of course come to the doctor so that the events that occurred not more severe.

Solution Treat Insomnia

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:39 AM | 0 comments »

Hard to sleep tonight? Too often or sleeping the night? Both have a negative effect for the body. Sleep the night is an opportunity for the body to restore stamina is exhausted during the day to its original. Nah, I continue to agencies are required to standby without any opportunity to improve the body's defense can be ascertained akan crash. I immediately felt the results, type of depression, fear fast, easy jutek, I have the motivation, academic ability and decreased antibody made against the disease can be decreased a lot. Serem? Indeed.

Well, one of the factors that can make us stand after a long time to sleep is not caffeine. Caffeine found in many foods and beverages, and be regarded ngetop favorite, kind of soft drink beverages, coffee, cocoa and tea. The effect caffeine really cool, other than to make people sleepy is also not easy to give a sense tranquilizer or alias Cheerleading is not easy jutek. So caffeine is often used as complementary medicines bidder sick.

The problem is, the more caffeine menkonsumsi the more difficult we sleep on the night but so easy to sleep in the afternoon. There is a more serious again. Caffeine can cause central nerve stimulation and increase the heart tap. Basically we will experience disruption in terms of heart and I continue to use caffeine. But susahnya, caffeine has a strong element adiktif, aliases can make users addicted. Once our caffeine addicted, the more days the more caffeine the requested portion of the body that can produce the same effect.

Now we know so little sleep I was not good for the body and it is one of the substances caffeine earlier. Next question is how can we be separated so that the dependence of caffeine and can sleep soundly. See deh tips and try praktekan semampu possible.

-Create a sleep schedule and try to discipline with time.
-Adjust the schedule of other activities with a day bed.
-Do things quickly and planned, that does not require us to overtime night.
-Reduce the use of food, beverages and medicines that contain caffeine. Coba deh now perbanyak drinking juice, water, white, milk and yoghurt (non coffee or chocolate).

One needs to diwanti-effect is Wanti 'bete' in the first days of caffeine reduction quota. Termination quota caffeine in the body can cause fever, headache, mild depression, body stiff and emotionally easy, but there is not long. Suggested, not the termination of the portion of caffeine is too sudden and instantaneous. I better be carried out slowly and gradually, so that the negative effects that come at a time not many. Embed in mind what we are all suffering from end our dependence on caffeine and the beginning of the beautiful bed-nights. Selamat mencoba ya!

Source : Caffeine and Teens' Sleep: An Eye-Opening Study,, 2003

Behavior Sex In Bedroom

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:33 AM | 0 comments »

Research shows: Men who sleep alone that have more sleep disturbances than those who sleep with a pair. And the ratio of men who experience sleep problems compared to females is 1:2.

If you often restless and just turn over and flip your body for an hour or more after lying in bed, perhaps your problem does not have a pair that can be invited talk before bed and share the difficulties you experienced during the day.
But, precisely the type of sleep disturbance problems difficult to sleep that you experience is not at all related to the findings in the research that we will be following this. For the problem difficult to sleep, sometimes it simple, because you drink too much coffee or alcohol before sleep, the atmosphere is not comfortable, too happy, or even romantic fantasy is too much?

Ganguan sleep following more severe, you certainly heard and know well (or even have their own) behavior-behavior is not reasonable for someone to sleep. Such as walking, eating, or take action violence. However, in some cases are reported, there are also people who show aggressive sexual behavior, even when the spouses are sleeping.
In a study conducted by Dr. Christian Guilleminault and his friends from Stanford University, California on 11 patients that sex does not behave normally during sleep, indicating that the patient-from removing the sound of loud groan up to make rape in the bed of the pair-seksualnya can be classified in several types of sleep disturbances. In fact, in some cases indicate the existence of psychiatric disturbance.
In all cases, researchers found the fact that someone is taking action sex abnormal sleep in, also has a history of other sleep disturbances such as walking, taking action and terror in the night.

However, two of the eleven patients in this study that during sleep often moan or groan with loud voice, as do the sexual (and, of course, this behavior disrupt neighbors and spouses), claim to have no history of other sleep disturbances.
Meanwhile, nine other people, who are often known to do sex acts in abnormal sleep, as do up to rape masturbasi spouse or attack, suspected to sleep disturbances, such as walking or eating.

These patients, when the wake keesokkan day, the average claim to not remember what they have done during sleep. And when they were built by their spouses during the middle act, show attitude, such as the confusion or disorientation.

One case, there is a patient, male 29 years, has conducted attacks against sexual partner for a few hours each night, for six consecutive years. Likewise, among others, reported Dr Geilleminault in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, edition March / April this year.
Patient, after further examined, has a history of psychiatric illness in the family. Although he himself does not have diagnosed mental disturbances. Patients then get this treatment as other patients who experience sleep disturbances due to interference REM (rapid eye movement) sleep with rapid eye movement. This is the phase of a dream. A situation where your eyes and hold sway behind the lid is closed. Brain in this case remains active, may be more active than when you are awake.

Meanwhile, seven other patients, diagnosed a psychiatric disturbances, such as depression, a severe, often anxious, and behave sexually kompulsif. Sexual behavior kompulsif is without repetition action erotic pleasure. Among others be: phone sex without end, one-night stand (a brief affair) bermasturbasi or several times a day. Penderitanya frequently reported feelings of "no reserve" before the event and feeling guilty afterwards.

In some cases, the disturbance of sleep often get this cruel sexual behavior from others. One of them, men, who have a long history of sleep disturbances and difficult to be cured, that keeps the events in which the father often provided a stimulus to its gay-against himself.

In addition to picturesque bad and chilling, there is also a good news from the results peneltian Dr Guilleminault and colleagues, is that sleep disturbances can be cured and this has been shown by many penderitanya, when their psychiatric condition was successfully treated with either by the experts psychosis.

Unfortunately, and this is also by Guilleminault and colleagues, the problems associated with sleep disturbance is rarely reported and discussed more in-depth health journals? Who knows, there are among you who are deep into this more comprehensive, the specialist health or psychiatric problems, perhaps ..?

Insomnia & Homeopati

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:27 AM | 0 comments »

Allah makes the night to sleep and the day to work. Every human need to find work and sustenance of life. But they also need time to be unencumbered tired, and sleep rehat. The goal is to esoknya him back fresh and ready to cabaran and responsibilities. So in essence between the teaching of al-Qur'an Surah an-Naba ', verse 9 to 11.
Justeru, practice or conduct is an original so human nature. Ie the actual sleep kesihatan someone, in which mental and fizikalnya can berehat. Not enough sleep may memudaratkan individuals. Someone that may be sleepy during the day and can not object to the workplace. This will give the impression to work and may cause kecuaian and adversity. Circumstances kesihatan also increasingly terhakis.

Similarly, when someone is not able to sleep. The situation can not sleep with the perfect sleep disturbances or problems termed as "insomnia". This problem is considered as one interruption kesihatan experienced by some people. He is certainly leave a bad impression if the berterusan valid.

Perubatan in the modern, sophistication equipment to help the doctor identifies samada someone that can sleep or not. For example, a similar instrument known as EEG (electroencephalography) can merakamkan stages in the process of change in sleep and so make the diagnosis. Even in Western countries, there is makmal typically referred to as a makmal sleep (sleep laboratory).

In perubatan homeopati, diagnosisnya differed with kaedah perubatan modern. Perubatan believed more modern equipment and testing, and results that are considered pemeriksaannya only objective. While homeopati does not need the help of tools such as EEG. Even pesakit declaration which is considered subjective by the doctor alopati is meaningful information in the nursing homeopati.

Pesakit insomnia problems that may refer to homeopati and vomit as much as any declaration relating to sleep and the possibility factitive because he can not sleep. Samada interference that berpunca than external factors, innards, psychological or perubatan, everything will be cited as part of the declaration to get the overall picture simptom.
There are various homeopati the bidder will be selected based on the complete declaration pesakit. Which is Aconite, Belladonna, Calcarea carbonica, Ignatia and Phosphorus, all of which are given in the form of potential. In treatment sessions, usually notice the most is the main object of the given mental simptom.

Sometimes the session that does not require treatment for a long time to investigate the problem and the bidder seraksi. For pesakit that come with simptom nervous and somewhat afraid, no time to recover acute bidder known only as Aconite. They also have pesakit is broken sleep because tersangat tired due to work-work done on the heavy side siangnya. For problems such as bidder Arnica may be sufficient to relieve interference.

Preskripsi instance that can be given when the declaration can be collected easily. Because there pesakit can not sleep because too happy or too full. There are also get interference when a grief-stricken, for nasal congestion or takutkan lightning. Partly may be circumstances where the heart throb always directly and thus can not sleep. However, all the declaration and it is formulated only after the consultation session.

In situations that are complex, the stories are subjective pesakit need diperhalusi well to get the key and simptom healing. For example, we can see there is a sense pesakit complain overmuch heat and extraordinary dream things that frightening. Sehingan, sometimes dreams need itupun analyzed. There are also a multitude pesakit often awake in the chicken and crow after that can not sleep again. From the child, there can not sleep the night, yell bloody murder during sleep and sweat filled the forehead.

Pengamal homeopati the authoritative and cekap often be sensitive and careful. They are aware of pesakit come in consultation sessions with a brief explanation and can be easily dirumus. Conversely there are circumstances in which the sessions of the consultation was only pesakitnya speaking only, so pengamal themselves have very little opportunity for the slit. In these circumstances, pengamal can not be easily concluded as insomnia is a problem and continue to give penawarnya. Treated in such a way that does not make kaedah that kaedah nursing homeopati.

Pengamal homeopati good they are patient and know the details simptom-simptom bidder in materia Medika. Homeopati records collected in the various symptom and pesakit declaration relating to the sleep disturbances experienced. The information gathered is not in vain and without purpose, but he has a distinctive therapeutic value. It was recorded because there is such bidder Belladonna, Calcarea carbonica, Coffea, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Kali carbonica, Sambucus, poppy, Spigelia, Avena Sativa and Gelsemium.

With so many remedi may be selected in the system perubatan homeopati, pesakit insomnia should not be lost easily and quickly take the road to hang with ubat sleep. Perubatan modern indeed recognize the negative effects of the use ubat sleep, and preskripsi made doktorpun as the end of the road. Kesedaran like this must exist not only among the doctors or pengamal perubatan, even pesakit own.

As an alternative and complement to a system perubatan who can not complete all the human problems, homeopati offer khidmatnya for kemaslahatan self and society. Insomnia is one of the problems that may homeopati can give contributions. Wallahu 'nature.

Disorders Insomnia, Can be cured?

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:14 AM | 0 comments »

Symptoms of sleep disturbances - said while the disease is not a, but only a buoy-buoy problematika that people have psychological or physical illness. Said in a journal Psychology Today, June 1986. Thus, sleep disruption is not only a better indicator of mencuat on the surface that has concerned a number of diseases that must be deobati.

Of the factors cause sleep disturbances and many experts say is generally caused by many things. In view of Dr. Nino Murcia, has been a dozen years leading the Insomnia Clinic at Stanford said that the U.S. "has never been found that sleep disruption is caused by one factor only, but many factors." In the findings of the experts have at least four factors that cause insomnia predisposisi psychological and biological, the use of drugs and alcohol, which disrupt the environment, and bad habits.
Psychological and biological factors. Both factors are sometimes integrates into psikosomatis form, ie, psychological problems affect the biological and otherwise. (= psiko psychosis; = wall soma, body). For example, for someone who easily heart palpitate faster and her body temperature is more warm than usual berkecenderungan it difficult to sleep. If you fall asleep then wake up to akan sensitive (light sleeper). In addition, a number of diseases is also a physical aspect fuse interruption insomnia, such as asthma, rheumatism, ulcer, kidney, and thyroid.

In particular, psychological factors also held the role of the main trend of this insomnia. This is caused by tension on the mind of someone, which then affect the central nervous system (Ssp) so that the physical conditions remain idle. For example when someone is being complicated problematika have in office environment, so if psikologisnya low threshold will cause a physical hard bed to be a compromise. Here the fear factor, tension, uncertainty and disruption of life caused insomnia.


Of course, interference akan insomnia has a negative impact in the life of the individual concerned. First, will reduce the resistance of the body so that the potential emergence of a number of diseases. For, the human body was created in such a sempurnanya - which is a natural set metabolisma that affect physical health. Physical and mental health akan someone if there is regularity between awake and asleep. The function of sleep is also restructuring the balance after the physical length of the awake and going kecapekan workplace.

For the bed with the body akan process to reduce the acid laktat work terakumulasinya kecapekan. That is probably normal if someone sleep then wake up when sleep will feel fresh again because of the acid laktat has terminimalisasi. Conversely, if someone experienced less sleep then the acid has not been lost laktat perfectly.

Second, difficult to sleep akan affect emotional stability so that it affects the activity of daily life. In this case, if someone in the work environment, it will decrease the level of motivation, concentration, accuracy, creativity and productivity work. Similarly to other activities such as disturbances akan experience in learning, completing tasks, and social interaction. Even the impact of insomnia is easier for someone to be suffering from stress. This is well-founded, because as said above that insomnia is a symptom penampakan only from the outside that someone has a disease that must be treated (journal Psychology Today, June 1986).


In the end, to the case of insomnia have suggested some things to do.

First, people with insomnia should go to the doctor first. This is very important to detect whether the disease has a physical disturbance that affect the sleep disturbances. For as said above that there are certain diseases that cause physical disruption insomnia. If so then the treatment is done with physical therapy.

Second, do not be easy to use sleep medication without a doctor based on the suggestion. If this is done then it will remain resistan insomnia. In this case please note that the therapeutist would always avoid the use of drugs. For the bromide acapkali as pereda only temporarily, so that if the time-out then the validity of the insomnia will return.

Third, avoid consuming prohibited goods, such as liquor, drug addict, etc.. Because it will disrupt the function of organs and persarafan to normal.

Fourthly, do eat or drink from the reasonably good quality, quantity, or time. Avoid drinking coffee during the day to sleep, because coffee contains elements stimulate nerve kofein so difficult to sleep. Avoid eating too full or too little, as it will cause the stomach does not respond to normal.

Fifth, Arrange bedroom environment effectively and efficiently, including the bed that are eligible. For certain environmental conditions, such as noise, light is very bright, with the concentration akan tidur.

Sixth, if the patient has insomnia knows that it is the life of the various problematika first completed perfectly. Think rational that "throughout the body dikandung agencies" must have human problems. Hadapilah problems and complete life proportionally with the full effort, patience and resignation. Seventh, if akan tidur intention to do so is strong and physical relaxation serileksnya.

Sleep Disorders Can cause Heart Diseases

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 5:12 PM | 0 comments »

Do not consider frivolous issues to bed. People excess or lack of sleep can cause heart failure, or even sudden death. In addition, the aberration can cause high blood pressure, and diabetes mellitus (DM).

Dr Bambang Budi Siswanto suggested that people who experience sleep disturbances for sleeping with the normal time of 6-8 hours each day. People affected by sleep disturbances that must change bad habits before 10 years.

"Minimal progress after 1-2 years old, bad habits must be changed," he said at a scientific meeting to-3 Pulmonologi Medical and aspirations in the 2005 Heart Harapan Kita Hospital in Jakarta, yesterday.

According to Bambang, almost 70% of patients experiencing heart rudiment sleep. This means the heart fails to make akan interference breath when they sleep. People with heart disease generally pengidap heart weight, body fat, old aged people as wrinkling in the neck narrow channel breath. "As a result, heart disease appear due to the bad breath of tuberculosis."

People like that, clearly Bambang, who have a higher risk of death. He said that interference in the case of breath heart failure inevitable if they do not sleep regularly. How may''

The medical, sleep consists of two physiological conditions, the eye movement sleep with does not quickly (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement with (REM). In the normal person, NREM sleep is a relatively calm situation not awake, speed heart rate more slowly 5 to 10 minutes under the full level of security and very organized.

Sleep disturbances can be detected by looking at the results of EEG recordings and compare them with normal circumstances. Respiratory frequency and blood pressure decreased guard.

In the period of REM, EEG recording with a similar pattern when awake and tend not uniform. REM this pattern will be recorded at the time someone is being dreamed.

Main symptoms of a sleep disturbance is insomnia, parasomnia and hipersomnia.

The insomnia is difficulty starting or maintaining sleep. Sleep complaints most often this happens, it can be temporary or ongoing.

Brief period of insomnia with the most related worries, both related to the experience or time to stretch things that cause fear. Disorders that frequently appears is difficult to fall asleep. There are also insomnia that involves the use of certain drugs or organic disease of the body system.

Insomnia treatment usually begins with:
Eliminate habits (moving bed, the bed only for sleeping, etc.).
If you can not succeed given the hypnotic drugs (consultation with the psychiatrist). Insomnia is a sleep disturbance is difficult and needs to be patience in therapy.

This interference bermanifestasi as the excessive amount of sleep and always sleepy in the afternoon. Interference is known as narkolepsi, the patient can not avoid the desire to sleep. Can occur at any age, but most often in early adolescence or young adulthood. Narkolepsi quite dangerous as they often cause accidents and motor vehicle industry.
Recommended therapy is forcing himself to sleep (albeit briefly) during the day until symptoms disappear.
If not cured, can be assisted with medications (please consult to the psychiatrist).

Parasomnia Sleep disturbance is a phenomenon that is not common, and unwanted, which appear to be suddenly during sleep or on the verge of going to sleep and awake. Often appear in the form of a nightmare is marked long and frightening dreams. Bad dreams also occur in the REM phase.

There is also a condition called sleep disturbances terror, the patient awake in the first part of the night during REM-tidurnon. Usually the patient settled in bed with the expression of fear and terror as being a great experience. Specific treatment is not necessary, but the medicines that are often hit REM sleep can be helpful.

Interference is in sleep walking (somnabulisme), the patients perform motor actions such as walking, dress, go to the bathroom, talk, and even drive a vehicle. Interference is more common in boys and begin at the age of 4-8 years. Is consists of actions to prevent injury and provision of sleep medicine.

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