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How Easy to Treat Sleep Disorders

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:48 AM | 0 comments »

Sleep? Hmmm, imagine it is ecstatic. Nikmatnya dibuai dream kapok tree in the island. Rest with adequate sleep, such as sports and diet, important means for the health. Also all already know. Sleep makes the body relax and get new energy, while at the same time have a psychological and physiological functions that affect the mental and physical health.

Healthy sleep is defined as how much the quality of sleep needed to maintain optimal alertness while awake us. Adults need 8 hours sleep each night, while sleeping hours are the ideal, is very individual.
Children and young people who go need more time to sleep, over 8 hours. Malangnya, not everyone can sleep enough, and culminate in chronic sleep disturbances. For those who experience sleep disturbances (insomnia), such as narcolepsy and other types of disease, sleep is not refreshing facilities.

Research shows that the loss of sleep that terakumulasi from time to time, causing sleep debt. Not only the money that the debt, it seems. Bed rest is not a problem bear sufficient physical and mental health, low energy, memory loss and difficulty maintaining balance. Oops, how serious?


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