Are cataracts That?
Cataract is the lens changes the previously clear and translucent become clouded. Cataracts cause people can not see clearly because of the clouded lens with a light and difficult to reach the retina will result in a vague shadow on the retina. The amount and form of any irregularity in the lens can vary.
A cataract patient may not have undergone cataract interference when the turbidity is not located the eye lens. Cataracts occur slowly-slowly, so vision of a little disturbed. Cataracts do not spread from eye to eye one another, but can occur in both eyes at the same time. Cataract is not caused by the use of excessive and does not cause permanent blindness if overcome with treatment or surgery. Symptoms of general disturbance cataracts include:
Vision is not clear, as there is fog prevents objects.
Sensitive to light or rays.
Can see a double in one eye.
Require lighting of the light to read.
Lens becomes opaque glass, such as susu.
What causes cataracts?
Most cataracts occur because the process of increasing age or degeneratif someone. Average age of occurrence of cataract is the age of 60 years and over.
However, cataracts can also occur on the baby because the mother infected with the virus at the time a young child. Other causes of cataracts include:
The offspring.
Congenital birth defects.
Health problems, such as diabetes.
Use of certain medications, especially steroid.
Without protective eye is exposed to the sun in a long time.
Previous eye surgery.
Trauma (accidents) in the eye.
Other factors that have not been known.
Detecting how cataracts?
Through thorough examination specialist eye doctor can detect cataracts or other causes of unrest and disturbances in the lens on the eye. Another problem in the eye, such as cornea, retina and nerves of vision, may still interfere with the vision after cataract surgery. If you do not give better results in my vision, cataract surgery may not be recommended. Specialist eye doctor will explain how much vision improvement will be achieved after cataract surgery.
Are cataracts Can Harass Vision With Fast?
Speed on the interference cataracts someone can not be predicted, because of cataracts in each individual is different, even between different perkembangannyapun one eye with the eye next to it. Disturbances of vision caused by cataracts akan faster with increasing age of someone. However, in diabetics, although still young, cataracts disrupt akan vision more quickly.
How Overcoming cataracts?
Cataracts can be overcome only through the operating procedures. However, if symptoms of cataract does not disrupt, the operation action is not necessary. Sometimes simply changing glasses. Until this time there is no medicine, food, sports or activities that can cure or prevent someone from interference cataracts. Akan but to protect the eyes against excessive sunlight may slow the occurrence of cataracts interference. Dark glasses or regular glasses that can prevent ultraviolet rays (UV) should be used when diruang open at noon.
When operation is done?
Action needs to be done when the operation has caused cataracts or loss of vision with the routine activities daily. Cataract surgery is performed with local drug or drops, and without requiring Inpatient.
What is expected from cataract operation?
Operating with sufficient local drug or drops, and without having to undergo Inpatient. Was clouded lens and replace them with artificial lenses that are permanently planted. Specialist eye doctors perform the procedure with the use of equipment operating with high technical fakoemulsifikasi (without stitches). Level of success of cataract surgery is quite high. More than 95% of operations result in the improvement of vision, when there is no interference in the cornea, retina, nerves of the eyes or other eye problems. JEC using IOL Master to improve the accuracy of the size of the lens plant used. Please note, although complications are very rare, can occur at the time of surgery and after surgery. If there is a disruption in any eye after surgery, immediately contact a specialist eye doctor. In most people who have a cataract operation, where the capsule or membrane intraokular lenses can be inserted into muddy.
Laser therapy is required to open this cloudy capsule is, that vision became clear again. Conclusion cataracts are common causes of reduced vision, especially going on the human longevity can be overcome. Specialist eye doctor can find out if cataracts or other problems that caused the loss of vision, action and whether surgery is needed to overcome the interference cataracts.
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