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Disorders Insomnia, Can be cured?

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:14 AM | 0 comments »

Symptoms of sleep disturbances - said while the disease is not a, but only a buoy-buoy problematika that people have psychological or physical illness. Said in a journal Psychology Today, June 1986. Thus, sleep disruption is not only a better indicator of mencuat on the surface that has concerned a number of diseases that must be deobati.

Of the factors cause sleep disturbances and many experts say is generally caused by many things. In view of Dr. Nino Murcia, has been a dozen years leading the Insomnia Clinic at Stanford said that the U.S. "has never been found that sleep disruption is caused by one factor only, but many factors." In the findings of the experts have at least four factors that cause insomnia predisposisi psychological and biological, the use of drugs and alcohol, which disrupt the environment, and bad habits.
Psychological and biological factors. Both factors are sometimes integrates into psikosomatis form, ie, psychological problems affect the biological and otherwise. (= psiko psychosis; = wall soma, body). For example, for someone who easily heart palpitate faster and her body temperature is more warm than usual berkecenderungan it difficult to sleep. If you fall asleep then wake up to akan sensitive (light sleeper). In addition, a number of diseases is also a physical aspect fuse interruption insomnia, such as asthma, rheumatism, ulcer, kidney, and thyroid.

In particular, psychological factors also held the role of the main trend of this insomnia. This is caused by tension on the mind of someone, which then affect the central nervous system (Ssp) so that the physical conditions remain idle. For example when someone is being complicated problematika have in office environment, so if psikologisnya low threshold will cause a physical hard bed to be a compromise. Here the fear factor, tension, uncertainty and disruption of life caused insomnia.


Of course, interference akan insomnia has a negative impact in the life of the individual concerned. First, will reduce the resistance of the body so that the potential emergence of a number of diseases. For, the human body was created in such a sempurnanya - which is a natural set metabolisma that affect physical health. Physical and mental health akan someone if there is regularity between awake and asleep. The function of sleep is also restructuring the balance after the physical length of the awake and going kecapekan workplace.

For the bed with the body akan process to reduce the acid laktat work terakumulasinya kecapekan. That is probably normal if someone sleep then wake up when sleep will feel fresh again because of the acid laktat has terminimalisasi. Conversely, if someone experienced less sleep then the acid has not been lost laktat perfectly.

Second, difficult to sleep akan affect emotional stability so that it affects the activity of daily life. In this case, if someone in the work environment, it will decrease the level of motivation, concentration, accuracy, creativity and productivity work. Similarly to other activities such as disturbances akan experience in learning, completing tasks, and social interaction. Even the impact of insomnia is easier for someone to be suffering from stress. This is well-founded, because as said above that insomnia is a symptom penampakan only from the outside that someone has a disease that must be treated (journal Psychology Today, June 1986).


In the end, to the case of insomnia have suggested some things to do.

First, people with insomnia should go to the doctor first. This is very important to detect whether the disease has a physical disturbance that affect the sleep disturbances. For as said above that there are certain diseases that cause physical disruption insomnia. If so then the treatment is done with physical therapy.

Second, do not be easy to use sleep medication without a doctor based on the suggestion. If this is done then it will remain resistan insomnia. In this case please note that the therapeutist would always avoid the use of drugs. For the bromide acapkali as pereda only temporarily, so that if the time-out then the validity of the insomnia will return.

Third, avoid consuming prohibited goods, such as liquor, drug addict, etc.. Because it will disrupt the function of organs and persarafan to normal.

Fourthly, do eat or drink from the reasonably good quality, quantity, or time. Avoid drinking coffee during the day to sleep, because coffee contains elements stimulate nerve kofein so difficult to sleep. Avoid eating too full or too little, as it will cause the stomach does not respond to normal.

Fifth, Arrange bedroom environment effectively and efficiently, including the bed that are eligible. For certain environmental conditions, such as noise, light is very bright, with the concentration akan tidur.

Sixth, if the patient has insomnia knows that it is the life of the various problematika first completed perfectly. Think rational that "throughout the body dikandung agencies" must have human problems. Hadapilah problems and complete life proportionally with the full effort, patience and resignation. Seventh, if akan tidur intention to do so is strong and physical relaxation serileksnya.


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