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Alcohol abuse

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 4:04 AM | 0 comments »

To improve the effectiveness of the system maintenance people addicted to alcohol and drugs, there are 4 conditions that must be met:  Knowing the danger that caused the need for treatment.  The existence of an effective care system as a response from these dangers.  The care provider must know what treatment is most effective  Provide counseling and knowledge about ways to minimize risk and effective treatment is available.
Efforts to combat dangerous drugs and alcohol:  Increase the understanding and knowledge about the nature and dangers associated with drugs and alcohol, and treatment for substance-habitue substances is  Improving care system and method prevention is effective in reducing the danger of the forms of drug and alcohol  Increase knowledge about care for the treatment of which the most effective for patient treatment in the addicted alcohol and drugs.  Increase knowledge in society about the appropriate treatment program and for effective drugs and alcohol.

We all already know dangers of drink and drugs prohibited. This section is provided for people who want to obtain more information and depth of alcohol and drugs prohibited.

Drugs are substances on the bottom-chemical substances that affect how the body and mind work when it is used. Drugs can be dangerous if misused. All this depends on: Type   drugs used drug dose used  How to use the drug (how often or how long)  Condition individuals (age, gender, health, weight loss, pengalam with the previous drug treatment, and mood)  situation where drugs are used (or the presence of others)

Many hazards associated with chemical substances-substances that are caused by the type of drugs that are a way of life and mendampinginya. Most of the problems that arise from the use of drugs is caused by chemical substances-substances that are available legally. Directly, alcohol and drugs do not have any effect for people around the user, but have many motor vehicle accidents, accidents at work and other actions that are caused by people who are under the influence of alcohol and drug - prohibited drugs.
Liquor (Alcohol)

Alcohol can be obtained legally in Australia, alcohol easily obtained and used by most people in Australia. Because the reasons have alcohol has become one of the substances in salahgunakan the largest in Australia. Function is to reduce workplace alcohol kesiagaan someone with the central nerve system slow and also other effects that work in the other body.

Here is information about the degree of pure alcohol per drink: Beer  light: 1 schooner 425mls Â- 2.7% alcohol Beer mddie 285mls normal 1-  4.9% alcohol 1 glass Wine 100mls Â- 12% alcohol Spirits 1 NIP 30mls Â- 40% alcohol Port / Sherry 1 galss 60mls Â-20% alcohol

Indeed can be proved that the drink can make you become rileks. This happens because the alcohol serves to slow the functions of the body. Problems can arise if someone starts to depend on alcohol berelaksasi, usually when someone suffering from stress or nervous because sesuatu.Bagaimanapun, alcohol can not be easy to make your bed, it is vice versa, alcohol often causes sleep disturbances-disturbances. Alcohol can also make someone become shy, nervous or lacking confidence. Marijuana.

Marijuana, hashish, and hashish oil produced from the plant called cannabis sativa. Marijuana is made from cannabis leaves and flowers that have been dried. There are a few of the people who are depending on the marijuana. Marijuana does not make the user have any feelings of dependency when compared with heroin and morphin.

In addition to causing someone has a shorter memory, marijuana also causes shrinkage of the logical way of thinking, reduced ability to coordinate and perform tasks that complicated. Way of thinking, consideration, and the balance of the reaction is also affected by marijuana to 10 hours after use. In the 10 hours is very dangerous for the person to mengendara motor vehicle, operating machinery, swimming, or surfing. Large doses of marijuana can cause the user's panic, confusion, and see halusinasi. Use of marijuana is the most common way to suck a cigarette. This can also cause the user to obtain disease bronchitis, lung cancer and respiratory diseases other.

In Australia, each state has a penalty value is different for marijuana users, such as in the state of New South Wales punishment for marijuana users or pengedar is $ 2000 to $ 500,000 and / or imprisonment for a period of 2 to 20 years depending on the amount of drugs sold . Use of marijuana can cause a person, especially users who are still young people to become energy loss. Achievement in the school will usually be reduced. This is caused by a combination of various factors. But all this can usually disappear if marijuana use is stopped.


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