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Causes and Symptoms Anemia

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:49 AM | 0 comments »

Anemia (in Greek: No blood) is a situation where the number of red blood cells or amount of hemoglobin (oxygen carrying protein) in red blood cells is below normal.

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which allow them to carry oxygen from the lungs and mengantarkannya throughout the body.

Anemia causes the reduced number of red blood cells or amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells, so that blood can not carry oxygen in the appropriate amount of the required body

1. Causes of Anemia

Common causes of anemia:

o severe bleeding
o acute (sudden)
o Accident
o Maternity
o broken blood vessel
o chronicles (chronic)
o bleeding nose
o hemorrhoids (hemoroid)
o Ulkus peptikum
o polyp or cancer in the alimentary tract
o Tumor kidney or bladder
o bleeding menstruasi the very many

* Reduction in the formation of red blood cells
o Lack of iron
o Lack of vitamin B12
o Lack of acid folat
o Lack of vitamin C
o Diseases chronicles

o Increased red blood cell eradication
o Pembesaran spleen
o Damage mechanics in the red blood cell
o Reaction autoimun of red blood cells:

Hemoglobinuria nokturnal paroksismal Sferositosis herediter Elliptositosis herediter

o Lack of G6PD
o sickle cell disease
o hemoglobin C disease
o Diseases hemoglobin S-C
o hemoglobin E disease
o Thalasemia

2. Symptoms

Symptoms caused by the oxygen supply is not sufficient need for this vary. Anemia can cause fatigue, weakness, lack of energy and feel the blow. If anemia is serious, can cause a stroke or heart attack.
3. Diagnosis

Simple blood examination can determine the existence of anemia. The percentage of red blood cells in total blood volume (hematokrit) and the amount of hemoglobin in a blood sample can be determined. Inspection is part of a countdown type of blood complete (CBC).


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