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Crashes The Back

Posted by Rahadian Syarif | 3:55 AM | 0 comments »

Did you realize that without our many organs we work 24 hours non-stop? Back is one of them. In circumstances tidurpun, back to fixed function always keep our body postures. Given back to work for 24 hours, we often forget to give it attention. Try calculating how many times you exercise per week, or feel stress how minute you stand up or sit down in a day? answer all the questions above are related to your health back.

Backbone composed of 24 pieces of bone called Vertebrae (spine). Individual vertebrae are separated from one another by cartilage cushion or discus. The entire series of three vertebrae form this curve natural fruit, which resembles the letter "S".
Curved top of the segment is also called servikal (neck), then followed by the segment Toraks (back middle) and the terbawah the lumbar (back down). Lumbar flexion duty to sustain the whole weight of the body and movement.

Body postures that will both protect us from injury during movement to spread the burden evenly overlooks the spine. Body postures that will be good if your ear, shoulder and pinggul are in a straight line down nke.
Component back

Supported by the back muscles back, stomach, waist and leg is strong and flexible. All these muscles work to hold in order to discus and spine remain in normal position. Weakness in one of the muscle will increase the tension on the muscles and eventually lead to back problems.

Discus. Tulan cushion the vulnerable function as this there is a shake-up among the vertebrae, allowing joint-sendiuntuk a smooth move. Each has a discus bagiam middle spongy (small hollow) and the outside is hard and contains nerve fibers to pain. There is also a liquid that flows into and out discus. This fluid serves as a lubricant allowing the back to move freely. Healthy discus is elastic, easy to go back to original shape if it is the second vertebra.

At the time of sleep, very little fluid out of the discus. That is why we often experience muscle stiffness when building a new bed. Sudden movement of the new building during sleep can lead to back injury.
Blighter back

Many people do not realize that if they were indeed always' employ 'back every time you sit, stand or lie down. So back to work non-stop for 24 hours a day.

Poor body postures, obesity (Obesity) and movements that are less true for many years, will result in deviation in the discus and muscle, can even result in back pain.

Some of the 'abuse' back:

Stress. Backbone is very sensitive to muscle tension due to stress every day. In the weak and stiff, the back muscles spasme (convulsions). This condition causes the flow of blood that carry oxygen to be obstructed, so that muscle oxygen deficiency. As a result, patients experience more severe pain if not treated immediately see a doctor.

Poor body postures. Body postures that are less precise cause curved spine is not in a straight line so easy to cause injury and premature aberration on the discus. Discus the weak no longer be able to cushion vertebra. Aberration due to the bad body postures that is too curved spine to the front or rear.
Poor Sports. 80% of cases painful spine caused bad kelenturan (tonus) muscles, or less exercise. Weak muscles, especially in the abdomen, the spine is not able to substantiate the maximum.

Injury and muscle tension. Movement rotate, bend, or lift the heavy burden that is not done correctly, will result in muscle tension or injury ligamen (network eleastis maintain stability of the bones). The same can also occur due to sudden movement in the sport, for example, when the switch or direction.

Osteoarthritis. The process of the discus penuaan out (protruding) from the operation and growth tulangbaru such as the spur that cause joint inflammation accompanied by pain. Body postures and spinal care is generally good meredakannya can.

Crashes down the back issues that often make people come treatment are:
Tension in the muscles and ligamen (muskulo-ligamentosa syndrome). A bad body postures, which take place over many years can cause the muscles and spine ligamen tight or torn. Similarly with the old back injury and not mdiobati. Symptoms: painful and stiff at the back, movement is limited.

Injury to the pelvic joints and ligamen (sakroiliaka syndrome). Gyration of a sudden can cause peregangan, twist or rip the muscles and ligamen (inter-network that connects bones) hip joints. Symptoms: sharp pain on both sides of the pelvis while the patient stands ..

Joint injury (faset syndrome). Shifting light on the surface of the joints can cause nerve around the wall or depression. Ligamen around the joints become swollen and taut. This condition if left for many years can increase the risk of a back injury. Symptoms: stiff and sore, or bend while rotating.

Muscle balance disturbances and physical development of the growth of abnormal or uneven tungkailebih cause one or more short panjangsehingga cause feeling uncomfortable or painful.

Injury discus (discus syndrome) discus, which should function as a cushion vertebra, prominent due to the exit pressure, the dilution (degeneration) because the process penuaan or torn. Discus injury may be caused because the movement is done in a sudden. Symptoms: sore back that weight and stay in position when the patient is too bend. Also accompanied by leg pain.

Skoliosis dislocated back veer to the right or left - often occurs in adolescent females - where this situation will cause the joint inflammation of the back pain. Symptoms: upraised shoulder, scapula prominent.

Overcoming back pain

Avoid stress, learn and behave rileks while avoid routines. Learn how to lift the load, stand, sit and lie correctly. Organized sports, kelenturan useful to improve the musculature and joints back. Get healthy lifestyles, with the stress and learn to maintain weight balance.


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