DEFINITION Mieloid leukemia (mielositik, mielogenous, mieloblastik, mielomonositik, LMA) is the acute disease that can result in fatal, where mielosit (which in normal circumstances become granulosit) becomes vicious and will immediately replace the normal cells in the bone marrow.
Leukemia can strike all ages, but most often occur in adults.
Leukemik cells buried in the bone marrow, destroy and replace cells that produce blood cells are normal.
Cancer cells is then released into the bloodstream and move to other organs, where they continue their growth and self-cleave.
They can form a small tumor (kloroma) in the right or under the skin and can cause meningitis, anemia, heart failure, kidney failure and other organ damage. Causes
The exposure to radiation (irradiation) and the use of high dose multiple drug chemotherapy antikanker will increase the likelihood of the occurrence of LMA.
The first symptoms usually occur because the bone marrow fails to produce normal blood cells in adequate amounts.
Symptoms include:
- Weak
- Shortness of breath
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Fever.
Other symptoms are headache, vomiting, anxiety, and painful bones and joints.
Calculate blood type is the first evidence that someone suffering from leukemia.
Young white blood cells (blast cells) akan sediaan seen in the blood is examined under a microscope.
Bone marrow biopsy is almost always done to strengthen the diagnosis and determine the type of leukemia.
Treatment goal is leukemik destroy all the cells so that the disease can be controlled.
LMA only response to certain drugs and treatments often make people more sick before they improved. People become ill because of more pressing aktivitias treatment bone marrow, so that the number of white blood cells a little more (especially granulosit) and this could easily cause an infection.
May be needed for red blood cell transfusion and trombosit.
At the beginning of chemotherapy is usually given sitarabin (7 days) and daunorubisin (for 3 days).
Sometimes given additional medication (such as tioguanin or vinkristin) and prednison.
After Remisi achieved, given additional chemotherapy (consolidation chemotherapy) a few weeks or several months after initial treatment.
Usually treatment is not necessary for the brain.
Pencangkokan bone can be performed on patients who do not provide a response to treatment and at the age of young people who were originally to provide response to treatment.
50-85% sufferer LMA provides a good response to treatment.
20-40% sufferer no longer shows signs of leukemia within 5 years after treatment, this figure increased to 40-50% in patients who undergo bone marrow pencangkokan.
The worst prognosis found at:
- People aged over 50 years
- Patients who undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy for other diseases.
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